Major in inorganic materials and processes

kima2m  2017-2018  Louvain-la-Neuve

This major enables the student to develop in-depth knowledge about the synthesis, processing and recycling of inorganic materials (metals, ceramics, sintered materials, inorganic glasses), their structural and functional properties, their microstructural details at different scales, and the relationship between their properties and their production methods

> Legend
De 20 à 30 CREDITS parmi
Annual block
  1 2

Mandatory Required courses
Mandatory LMAPR2141 Metals Processing and Recycling   Philippe HENRY
, Joris Proost
30h+30h  5 credits 2q x x
Mandatory LMAPR2642 Crystallographic and microstructural characterisation of materials   Hosni Idrissi
, Pascal Jacques
30h+30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Thermodynamics and processes of elaboration
Optionnal LMAPR2672 Sintered materials and surface treatments   Jean-Pierre Erauw
, Pascal Jacques (coord.)
, Joris Proost
30h+30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LKULH2013 Phase equilibria in inorganic materials and processes     5 credits x x
Optionnal Implementation and durability
Optionnal LMAPR2420 High performance metallic materials   Pascal Jacques
, Aude Simar
30h+30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LMAPR2482 Plasticity and metal forming   Laurent Delannay
, Thomas Pardoen
30h+22.5h  5 credits 2q x x