The Master’s degree programme consists of:
-a core curriculum (35 credits) including the graduation project (28 credits), the course « molecules and materials analysis » LMAPR2011 (5 credits) and a religion course (2 credits);
-a professional focus (30 credits);
-one or more majors;
-elective courses to round out the programme.
The overwhelming majority of courses is given in English (all courses with LMAPR2xxx designation and a large proportion of the courses organized by EPL), with assistance provided to French-speaking students (« French-friendly » approach).
The student MUST choose at least one major among the six proposed in chemistry and materials.
He/she is further ALLOWED to choose a major among the two proposed in Business management and creation.
Normally, professional focus courses are taken during the first annual unit and the graduation project during the last one. However, students may (depending on their project) take these courses in the 1st or 2nd annual unit as long as they have completed the course prerequisites. This is particularly the case for students who complete part of their education abroad (ERASMUS or MERCATOR exchange, FAME dual degree).
If during the student’s previous studies, he or she has already taken a course that is part of the programme (either required or elective) or they have participated in an academic activity that is approved by the programme commission, the student will replace them with other elective courses or activities that are in keeping with programme regulations.
Regardless of the focus, major /or elective courses selected, the Master’s degree programme will consist of minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units. The first annual unit has to consist of a minimum of 60 credits, the second the number of credits needed to complete the Master’s degree.
The student will verify that he/she has obtained the minimum number of credits required for the approval of the diploma as well as for the approval of the major, in order to include them in the diploma supplement.
Programmes that respect the above rules will be submitted for approval to the relevant Master’s degree programme commission.
> Core courses for the Master's degree in chemical and materials engineering
Options courses
> Major in chemical and materials > Major in chemical and environmental engineering > Major in inorganic materials and processes > Major in Polymers and macro-molecules > Major in Mechanics of materials > Major in Biomaterials > Major in nanotechnology > Major in small and medium sized business creation > Major in small and medium sized business creation > Major in business risks and opportunities > Elective courses > Other elective courses available to students enrolled in the Master's degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering