
dats2m  2017-2018  Louvain-la-Neuve

General and specific admission requirements for this program must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university..

University Bachelors

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCLouvain Bachelors
Bachelor in Business Engineering
Bachelor in Engineering
Bachelor in Computer Science
Bachelor in Mathematics
Bachelor in Physics
Direct Access
Other Bachelorwith Minor in Engineering Sciences: Computer Sciences or Minor in Statistics and data sciences. Direct Access
Bachelor in Economics and Management
Bachelor in Bioengineering
Access with additional training Straight access, but the program is completed with an additional training of  maximum 10C
Other Bachelorif no minor in computer sciences / statistics and data sciences Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
Engineer in management
Engineering, orientation « civil engineer »
Computer sciences
Mathematical sciences
Physical sciences
Direct Access
Bachelor in economics or management
Engineering orientation bio-engineering
Access with additional training Straight access, but the program is completed with an additional training of maximum 10C
Other Bachelor Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium

Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen
Bachelor of Engineering Technology
Bachelor in de informatica
Bachelor in de wiskunde
Bachelor in de fysica
Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal
Foreign Bachelors
All degree Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal

Non university Bachelors

Diploma Access Remarks
BA en informatique de gestion - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique de gestion - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (informatique industrielle) - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (informatique industrielle) - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (réseaux et télécommunications) - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (réseaux et télécommunications) - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (sécurité des systèmes) - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (sécurité des systèmes) - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (technologie de l'informatique) - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en informatique et systèmes (technologie de l'informatique) - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
Les enseignements supplémentaires éventuels peuvent être consultés dans le module complémentaire. Type court

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Master degree from the French community of Belgium:
Civil engineer
Computer sciences
Engineer in management
Actuarial sciences
Mathematical sciences
Physical sciences
Direct Access Subject to the acceptance of the file by the jury, a student can be exempted from maximum 60 credits of activity and possibly realize the Master's degree in sciences of the data in a single year.
Other master degrees Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal Subject to the acceptance of the file by the jury, a student can be exempted from maximum 60 credits of activity and possibly realize the Master's degree in sciences of the data in a single year

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree

Adults taking up their university training

> See the website Valorisation des acquis de l'expérience (

It is possible to gain admission to all masters courses via the validation of professional experience procedure.

Access on the file

Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration