Three additional aims are pursued:
- the first relates to the development of analytical skills, critical perspective, creativity;
- the second relates to understanding our society and the events taking place today that will help shape our future;
- the third focuses on the techniques that provide access to analysis and support action.
The programme for the first year of the Master’s degree [120] in Political Sciences and Public Administration includes all the courses from the Master’s degree [60] in addition to a course on public finances and a course seminar on political sciences theory.
The second year is centred on the three advanced subjects relating to the three dimensions of political sciences. “Democracy and public action” provides an in-depth analysis of the political system by considering the new forms of democracy and public and political action. “Analysis and evaluation of public policies” studies the effects of the implementation of local, national or international public policies and the process via which its orientation and way of shaping reality acquire legitimacy. “Special issues in international relations” encourages students to consider topics in greater depth, such as the development of the role of the United States in the world, the conflicts or strategies of international actors. Based on case studies, these courses include a seminar section where the students are encouraged to hone their skills in the areas that most interest them.
While working on their final dissertation, students will participate in a seminar in which they learn to communicate on scientific subjects, to listen to suggestions from peers and to exercise critical judgement and an ability to make suggestions in response to their proposals.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
· Développer un sens politique
Au terme de son cursus universitaire , l'étudiant aura acquis et démontré des capacités à :
Ces compétences transversales sont travaillées durant les 3 années de Master au niveau du tronc commun et des cours à option. Elles sont validées essentiellement par le travail d’intégration : le mémoire.
Au terme de son programme de master en sciences politiques – orientation générale, l’étudiant aura acquis un ensemble de compétences plus spécifiques qui s’ajouteront aux compétences générales et transversales. Il sera davantage capable de :
SPH. Développer une expertise et un niveau élevé de compétences dans le domaine l’action « politique » au sens large du terme et spécifiquement dans l’analyse de politiques publiques et de son contexte sociopolitique ; en vue de prendre part de manière pertinente à la décision publique et d’assurer une fonction de conseiller ou de manager auprès d’organisations ou d’institutions au niveau régional, national, européen ou international.