Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2016-2017 Periodic courses not taught during 2016-2017 Periodic courses taught during 2016-2017 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Individual final project (15 credits) LROM2898 Individual final project 15 credits 1 + 2q Core courses (30 credits) 10 credits in each discipline : 1. French linguistics (10 credits) LROM2151 Text Linguistics Mathieu Avanzi (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon); Anne-Catherine Simon; 22.5h 5 credits 2q LROM2180 Geolinguistic varieties of French Philippe Hambye; 22.5h 5 credits 1q LROM2200 History of the French language Michel Francard; 22.5h 5 credits 1q 2. Literature (10 credits) LROM2221 Issues in medieval literary history Mattia Cavagna; 22.5h 5 credits 1q LROM2760 Principles and Foundations of Fiction Vincent Engel; 22.5h 5 credits 1q 3. Languages and literatures of Southern France (10 credits) Students must choose Spanish or Italian courses worth 10 credits. a) Spanish LROM2840 Text analysis in Spanish Genevieve Fabry; 22.5h 5 credits 1q LROM2842 Issues in Spanish Literary History Genevieve Fabry; 30h 5 credits 2q LROM2843 Issues in Spanish Linguistics Barbara Decock; 30h 5 credits 2q LROM2844 Theory and analysis of Spanish-American literary texts Genevieve Fabry; 30h 5 credits 1q LROM2515 Seminar: Spanish Literature II Genevieve Fabry; 15h 5 credits 2q LROM2517 Seminar: Spanish Linguistics Barbara Decock; 15h 5 credits 2q b) Italian LROM2851 Italian Literature within Narrative, Poetry and the Stage Costantino Maeder; 15h 5 credits 2q LROM2852 Poetry within Destruction and Re-creation : from Saba, Montale, Ungaretti to the Present Costantino Maeder; 15h 5 credits 1q LROM2854 Italy within the world: literary and cultural comparative paths Erica Durante; 15h 5 credits 2q LROM2857 Pragmatico- linguistic analysis of Italian literary texts Costantino Maeder; 15h 5 credits 2q