On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
A. To analyse a situation (individual or collective) while accurately and fully implementing the concepts provided by the relevant theories or approaches
• A1. to access the knowledge that provides an explanation and understanding of an individual, group or organisation;
• A2. to analyse, review in a well-reasoned manner and modelise a situation (individual, group or organisation) referring to the theories, research results, methods and tools relating to psychology.
• to understand and explain the specific purpose and the principal theoretical trends in psychology and education
• to understand and explain the specific purpose and principal theoretical trends in related disciplines: philosophy, economics, law, sociology, anthropology, linguistics
• to understand and explain the biological basis of behaviour and cognition
• to understand and explain the cultural basis of behaviour and cognition
• to understand and explain the relationships that exist between psychology, logopedics, education and related disciplines
• to understand and explain the most common models of ordinary and atypical methods of functioning of individuals, groups and organisations
• to understand and explain the models of the most common psychological disorders
• to be familiar with the different observation and analysis tools which allow an explanation and understanding of an individual, group or organisation
• to select the data, theories, methods and tools pertinent to a simple situation
• to use the data, theories, methods and tools to modelise a simple situation
• to be aware of the influence of one’s own views and prejudice in making an analysis
• to make a distinction between a professional analysis and an analysis based on common sense
B. To develop a theoretically and empirically justified intervention plan in order to modify an individual or collective situation, to implement this plan and evaluate its effectiveness
• B1. to master knowledge concerning interventions intended to improve a given situation (individual, group or organisation);
• B2. to plan an intervention intended to improve a given situation (individual, group or organisation);
• B3. to implement an intervention plan, totally or partially, and evaluate its effectiveness.
• to understand and explain the principal types of intervention by psychologists faced with the most common dysfunctions and disorders of individuals, groups and organisations
• to understand and explain the methodology related to the planning, execution and effectiveness of an intervention
• to understand the principal social, legal, political, economic and cultural issues in a simple intervention situations
• to identify the interventions pertinent to a simple situation, taking account of the analysis of this situation and various issues (e.g. social, legal, political, economic and cultural)
• to schedule the different stages and identify the different actors in reference to theoretical models of intervention
C. To communicate accurate, precise and pertinent information by the appropriate means for the content and the target group
• C1. to present a summary verbally and in writing, adapting it to suit the different target audiences and objectives
• C2. to structure and present collated data
• to summarise results from different sources in order to test a working hypothesis, to argue for a differential diagnosis or to justify a decision
• to create links between the subjects and activities pursued in the Bachelor’s programme
• to avoid naive communications (using common sense) to maintain a professional attitude and explain this distinction
• to structure the elements collected during an analysis of the request
• to understand, interpret and produce a standardised report (e.g. APA standards) on the results of a statistical analysis
D. To interact effectively with the different actors involved in a given situation on an interpersonal and professional level
• D1. to listen to others in learning situations and professional environments;
• D2. to interact and collaborate in a network in a manner appropriate for learning situations and professional environments;
• D3. to adopt a critical attitude to others and oneself in learning situations and professional environments.
• to work as part of a team
• to listen actively and empathise with an individual in an interpersonal consultation/interview context at a basic level (i.e. a single client/patient; adult; face-to-face situation; simple problems)
• to use different means of communication (e.g. written, verbal and audio-visual)
• to understand the conditions of collaborative learning
• to interact with others (students) in order to achieve a common objective
• to be open and to accept the point of view of other team members
E. To act as an academic psychologist in a thorough, deontological and ethical manner
• E1. to understand the stages, methodologies and tools of scientific research in psychology and education;
• E2. to identify the contribution and value of scientific research in psychology and education with regard to his/her understanding of given situations;
• E3. to act as a professional in the field of psychology and education, referring to the principles of, among others, ethics and deontology.
• to understand and apply the inductive-hypothetico-deductive approach
• to identify the pertinent sources of information with regard to a research question
• to understand the strengths and weaknesses of methodologies mainly used in contemporary research in this field
• to understand the inherent strengths and weaknesses of a research report (in terms of methodology, empiricism and theory)
• to understand the principal concepts of probability and statistics used in this field
• to use statistical analysis software and apply it to a database
• to prepare a critical analysis of the existing literature concerning a research question in this field
• to identify the specifics of a scientific, rather than naive, approach in relation to this field
• to be familiar with the legal frameworks and ethical code governing the practice of psychology, to apply them and comply with them in his/her work, exams, relationships with fellow professionals and other stakeholders in the training
• to refer to ethical research rules in his/her work, exams and relationships with fellow professionals
F. To evaluate and enhance his/her professionalism and skills
• F1. to use the means and opportunities for self-development;
• F2. to use the means and opportunities to develop a personal professional project.
• to learn how to learn on the basis of his/her own experience and with others
• to identify and use continuous training resources
• to develop the informational skills required to gather information independently and objectively
• to formulate a professional project related to the knowledge acquired during the training and to his/her strengths and weaknesses, as well as to an understanding of the professional environment
• to be suitably equipped to promote self-learning