Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2016-2017 Periodic courses not taught during 2016-2017 Periodic courses taught during 2016-2017 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Annual block 1 2 LMAT2410 Partial differential equation : heat equation, brownian moves and numerical aspects Augusto Ponce; Jean Vanschaftingen; 30h+15h 5 credits 2q x LMAT2440 Number theory Olivier Pereira; Thomas Peters (compensates Olivier Pereira); Jean-Pierre Tignol; 30h+15h 5 credits 1q x LMAT2450 Cryptography Francois Koeune (compensates Olivier Pereira); Olivier Pereira; Thomas Peters (compensates Olivier Pereira); Francois-Xavier Standaert (compensates Olivier Pereira); 30h+15h 5 credits 1q x LMAT2460 Finite mathematics and combinatorial structures Jean-Charles Delvenne; Jean-Pierre Tignol; 30h 5 credits 1q x LSTAT2040 Statistical analysis Anouar Elghouch; Anouar Elghouch (compensates Ingrid Van Keilegom); Ingrid Vankeilegom; 30h+15h 5 credits 2q x LINMA2380 Matrix computations Paul Vandooren; 30h+22.5h 5 credits 1q x LINMA1170 Numerical analysis Paul Vandooren; 30h+22.5h 5 credits 1q x LPHY2111 Introduction à la dynamique non linéaire Jean Bricmont; Christian Hagendorf; 30h+15h 5 credits 1q x