Learning outcomes

math2m  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

By the end of the course the student will have acquired the knowledge of the discipline and the transferable skills needed to practise the many professional activities that require substantial mathematical skills: research and teaching, but also highly varied professions in which mathematics interacts with other fields and mathematicians collaborate with people who come from different intellectual backgrounds.

The skills acquired during the course will allow him to adapt to different professional contexts (linked, for example, to economic sciences, to the engineering sciences, to health sciences) and to acquire rapidly the techniques specific to his profession.

The programme offers a general education in the important fields of fundamental mathematics, including recent advanced subjects, and allows the student to deal in depth with closely related fields that have already been introduced in the Bachelor in Mathematics (especially physics, but also statistics, actuarial science, and computing).
Depending on the choice of option, by the end of the course the graduate will also have acquired a deeper knowledge of a field of research (research focus) or the skills required to teach mathematics in secondary schools (teaching focus).

As with any UCL graduate, the graduate Master in Mathematics will be capable of taking a critical, constructive and innovative view of the present-day world and its problems, of acting as a responsible and competent citizen in society and in his professional milieu, of independently acquiring and using new knowledge and skills throughout his professional life, and of managing major projects in all their aspects, both individually and as part of a team.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
Finalité spécialisée - Grâce aux cours de l'option choisie, les étudiants de deux options auront aussi acquis la capacité d'analyser, en profondeur et sous divers points de vue, un problème mathématique ou un système complexe relevant de disciplines scientifiques autres que les mathématiques, pour en extraire les points essentiels et les mettre en relation avec les outils théoriques les mieux adaptés.

1) master the disciplinary knowledge and basic transferable skills whose acquisition began in the Bachelor programme. He will have expanded his basic disciplinary knowledge and skills.

2) show evidence of abstract thinking and of a critical spirit.

3) communicate in a scientific manner.

4) show evidence of independent learning.

5) analyse a mathematical problem and suggest appropriate tools for studying it in depth

Finalité approfondie - L'étudiant qui se destine à la recherche aura acquis une connaissance plus approfondie d'un ou de plusieurs domaines des mathématiques actuelles et de ses problématiques. Ces connaissances visent à lui permettre d'interagir avec d'autres chercheurs dans le cadre d'une recherche de niveau doctoral.

6) if the research focus is chosen, begin a research project thanks to a deeper knowledge of one or more fields and their problematic issues in current mathematics. This knowledge aims at allowing the student to interact with other researchers in the context of a research project at doctoral level.

7) if the teaching focus is chosen, bring together the skills needed to successfully begin the career of teacher of mathematics in upper secondary school and to make positive progress.

Finalité didactique - L'étudiant qui se destine à l'enseignement sera prêt à assumer des tâches professionnelles dans l'enseignement secondaire et à apporter ses compétences pédagogiques et disciplinaires.
Depending on the chosen focus, he will be able to adapt to various professional contexts and he will be able to :
  • Do a statistical analysis of large sets of data with the help of softwares.
  • Master several fields of current probability and mathematical statistics and their problems.
  • Use basic concepts and models in survival analysis, specific tools of biostatistics and techniques and standards of clinical tests.
  • Exploit in an integrated way various know-hows in actuarial sciences and in financial mathematics in order to analyse complex problems in quantitative management of risks.
  • Use fundamental tools of computing and programming in order to solve management problems involved in the financial impact of risks.