To enrol for this Masters, the student must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add preparatory modules to their Master’s programme. Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses taught during 2015-2016 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Annual block 1 2 LESPO1122 Foundations of Law Diane Bernard, Nicolas Bonbled, Maxime Lambrecht, Thibaut Slingeneyer 40h 5 credits 1 ou 2q x x LESPO2100 Political economy Alain De Crombrugghe de Picquendaele 30h+15h 4 credits 1q x x LCOPS1125 Psychology and Social Psychology Coralie Buxant (compensates Olivier Corneille), Olivier Corneille, Guy Lories, Gordy Pleyers 30h 5 credits 2q x x LPSP1007 Sociologie : éducation, santé et travail Marc Zune 30h 3 credits 1q x x LESPO2102 Statistics Dominique Deprins 30h+15h 4 credits 1q x x LESPO1321 Economic, Political and Social Ethics Philippe Van Parijs 20h+10h 3 credits 1q x x LSPRI2670 Economic structures of Belgium Guillaume Pierre Wunsch 30h 5 credits 2q x x LANGL1330 English intermediate level - 1st part Julie Crombois (compensates Fanny Desterbecq), Estelle Dagneaux, Fanny Desterbecq, Marie Duelz, Marielle Henriet, Carlo Lefevre, Sandrine Meirlaen, Sandrine Mulkers (coord.), Marc Piwnik (coord.), Nevin Serbest, Colleen Starrs, Albert Verhaegen 30h 3 credits 1 ou 2q x x
To enrol for this Masters, the student must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add preparatory modules to their Master’s programme.