We strongly encourage our students to spend a term abroad as part of the Erasmus, Mercator or Belgica exchange schemes. We must emphasize that our students can apply for UCL-funded exchanges for both their Bachelor's AND Master's degree, but too few of them take up this offer. Some of our partner universities also specialize in Bachelor courses: Bilkent (Ankara), for example, which offers a programme in English.
A period of study abroad is a personal and intellectual experience like no other. The Erasmus exchange is a unique opportunity to discover a different culture and its philosophy. We ensure that our students are aware of the importance of taking two factors into account in choosing their destination: (1) the benefit of studying in a language other than their own mother tongue and (2) matching the particular strengths of the host university with their own preferred philosophy.
A large number of international partners: see https://www.uclouvain.be/280052.
Students may choose from destinations covered by both EFIL (School of Philosophy) and FIAL (Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters) agreements, which span the full range of our faculty's programme committees. Note also that all students may substitute one of their programme courses with one or two KU Leuven courses of the same level, including part of their English programme.
Practical information for arriving FIAL students : https://www.uclouvain.be/en-280048.html
For more information : Marie-Julie Malache
Practical information for departing FIAL students : https://www.uclouvain.be/17371.html
For more information : Fabienne De Voghel