> Légende Obligatoire Au choix Activité non dispensée en 2015-2016 Activité cyclique non dispensée en 2015-2016 Activité cyclique dispensée en 2015-2016 Activité avec prérequis Cliquez sur l'intitulé du cours pour consulter le cahier des charges détaillé (objectifs, méthodes, évaluation, etc..) > Légende Major History of philosophy courses These courses are two-yearly. Student must choose 3 courses in the second year and 3 in the third. LFILO1280 History of philosophy 1 : History of ancient philosophy Stéphane Mercier 30h 3 credits 2q LFILO1281 History of philosophy 2: History of medieval Philosophy Jean-Michel Counet 30h 3 credits 1q LFILO1282 History of philosophy 3: History of arabic Philosophy Cécile Bonmariage 30h 3 credits 1q LFILO1283 History of philosophy 4 : History of modern philosophy N. 30h 3 credits 1q LFILO1284 History of Philosophy V: Contemporary philosophy (first part) Alexandre Guay 30h 3 credits 1q LFILO1285 History of Philosophy VI: Contemporary philosophy (second part) Olivier Depré 30h 3 credits 1q Philosophical texts LFILO1315 Seminar on philosophical texts by ancient authors Jean-Michel Counet, Pierre Destrée 30h 3 credits 2q LFILO1325 Seminar on philosophical texts by medieval authors Jean-Michel Counet 30h 3 credits 2q LFILO1335 Seminar on philosophical texts by modern authors Olivier Depré, Marc Maesschalck 30h 3 credits 2q LFILO1345 Seminars on phenomenological texts Sylvain Camilleri 30h 3 credits 2q LFILO1355 Seminar on analytical philosophy texts Alexandre Guay 30h 3 credits 2q LFILO1360 Philosophy and intercultural dialogue Michel Dupuis 30h 3 credits 2q Religious Sciences Student must choose one course from : LTECO1210 Questions of Religious Sciences: Biblical Readings Geert Van Oyen 15h 2 credits 1q LTECO1220 Questions of Religious Sciences: Reflections about Christian Faith Jean Leclercq 15h 2 credits 1q LTECO1230 Questions of Religious Sciences: Questions about Ethics Emil Piront 15h 2 credits 2q Modern language The same language must be chosen for the three years. Students must choose one course from : LALLE2410 German: interactive communication Ann Rinder 30h 4 credits 1 + 2q LANGL2410 Interactive English Communication Philippe Denis 30h 4 credits 1 + 2q LNEER2414 Dutch communication skills for students in Archaeology and History of Art and History Mariken Smit 30h 4 credits 1 + 2q Final assignment LFILO1300 Work of end of first cycle N. 12 credits 1 + 2q Minor Students must choose a minor from the University Faculty programmes, subject to possible prerequisites required by the programme managers. Students spread these courses so that each academic year comes to a total of 60 credits. Second part of the minor N. 15 credits