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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

 The professional focus in biomedical and bioethical ethics is designed to train students to develop a critical analysis of situations and problems associated with current medial practice, both in developed and developing countries. Such analysis will not only take account of the objective facts of the situation and the system of regulation which relates to decisions, but also ideological, cultural and historical data.
This analysis is designed to help students acquire
- understanding of the theories, concepts and methods in current biomedical ethics,
- the ability to make use of these models and methods to describe situations and suggest a well-balanced set of solutions to the problems faced,
- personal familiarity of the environments where such questions arise (laboratories, care institutions, etc.).

> Legend

30 credits chosen from the following courses including 5 credits from the Master in Public Health :

Annual block
  1 2

Mandatory LDROP2131 Medical and Biomedical Law   Geneviève Schamps 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Mandatory WMEDI2221 Formation à la relation et aux enjeux sociaux et éthiques de la santé et de la médecine (2e partie) et médecine légale   Anne Berquin, Cécile Bolly, Frédéric Bonbled, Mylene Botbol, Marie-Christine Closon, Eric Constant, William D'Hoore, Emmanuel de Becker, Philippe de Timary, Michel Dupuis, Denis Hers, Christine Reynaert, Luc Roegiers, Geneviève Schamps, Christian Swine, Sophie Symann, Anne Wintgens, Nicolas Zdanowicz 48h  5 credits 1 + 2q x x
Mandatory WEBIM2101 Séminaire de bioéthique et d'éthique biomédicale   Mylene Botbol (coord.), Michel Dupuis, Luc Roegiers 15h  5 credits x x
Mandatory WEBIM2900 Stage d'observation et rapport d'éthique clinique   N.   5 credits x x
Mandatory Bioethics (5 credits)

Students must choose one of the following two courses :  

Optionnal WEBIM2100 Advanced questions in bioethics : Principles and methods   Mylene Botbol, Michel Dupuis, Luc Roegiers 30h  5 credits x x
Optionnal WEBIM2200 Questions approfondies de bioéthique (B)   Mylene Botbol, Michel Dupuis, Luc Roegiers 30h  5 credits x x
Mandatory Public Health (5 credits)

Students must choose a course (5 credits) in the Master in Public Health (http://www.uclouvain.be/en-prog-2012-lesp2m.html).