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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

The 120 credit Master 120 offers students various possibilities for studying abroad :

• St Kliment Ohridski University (Bulgaria)
• University of Montreal (Canada)
• University of Quebec at Montreal (Canada)
• University of Ottawa (Canada)
• University of Laval (Quebec, Canada)
• University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
• Diego Portales University (Chile)
• Århus School of Business (Århus, Denmark)
• Ramón Llull University, Barcelona (Spain)
• Europea University, Madrid (Spain)
• San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid (Spain)
• Pontificia University, Salamanca (Spain)
• Ecole supérieure de journalisme, Lille (France)
• Lumière University - Lyon II (France)

• University of Nancy II (France)
• Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris III (France)
• Paris-Sorbonne University- Paris IV (France)
• Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris (France)
• Institut Pratique de Journalisme (France)
• Réunion University, Saint-Denis (France)
• Pantion Panepistimio Kinonikon ke Politikon Epistimon, Kallithea, Athine (Athens, Greece)
• Università degli studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Italy)
• Dublin Institute of Technology ( Ireland)
• Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen (Netherlands)
• Minho University, Braga (Portugal)
• University of Coimbra (Portugal)
• Nova University, Lisbon (Portugal)
• University of Galatasaray (Istanbul, Turkey)


In addition to the traditional agreements with these institutions, various external institutions are also partners in this programme. For example KUL offers a choice of subjects for the Cultural and Media Studies option as well as cooperation on research.

The University of Laval in Quebec and the Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme in Lille are partners of the Louvain School of Journalism in the Théophraste network for the European and International Journalism option. Students who wish to specialize in this area may therefore take some courses in France or Canada or even go on a study visit to international institutions or editorial offices in the United States.

According to the options chosen, the exchange will take place during the first or second semester.