Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2014-2015 Periodic courses not taught during 2014-2015 Periodic courses taught during 2014-2015 Two year courses Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Individual final project (15 credits) LROGE2898 Individual final project N. 15 credits Courses (30 credits) German-Italian, Dutch-Italian and English-Arabic are not available. 15 credits for each of the two languages studied : German (15 credits) LGERM2710 Interactive Competence in German : Academic German Henri Bouillon 15h+22.5h 5 credits 1 + 2q LGERM2711 German Linguistics: Syntax and Morphology of the German Verb Joachim Sabel 22.5h 5 credits 1q LGERM2712 German literature: modern literature. Concepts and texts Antje Büssgen 22.5h 5 credits 2q English (15 credits) LGERM2720 Interactive Competence in English : English for academic purposes Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Fanny Meunier 15h+22.5h 5 credits 1 + 2q LGERM2829 English Linguistics : Corpus Linguistics Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Sylviane Granger (coord.) 22.5h 5 credits 1q LGERM2722 In-depth study of Shakespeare's drama Guido Latre 22.5h 5 credits 1q Dutch (15 credits) LGERM2730 Interactive Competence in Dutch : Academic Dutch Philippe Hiligsmann 15h+22.5h 5 credits 1 + 2q LGERM2731 Dutch linguistics : current trends Kristel Van Goethem 22.5h 5 credits 2q LGERM2732 Dutch literature: Contemporary Dutch literature Stéphanie Vanasten 22.5h 5 credits 1q French (15 credits) Students take LROM2151 and may choose two courses from the four following courses : LROM2151 Text Linguistics Anne-Catherine Simon 22.5h 5 credits 2q LROM2171 Lexicology Cédrick Fairon 22.5h 5 credits 2q LROM2180 Geolinguistic varieties of French Esther Baiwir (compensates Philippe Hambye), Philippe Hambye 22.5h 5 credits 1q LROM2710 Questions of Literary aesthetics Pierre Piret 22.5h 5 credits 1q LROM2740 Sociology of Literature Jean-Louis Tilleuil 22.5h 5 credits 2q Spanish (15 credits) Language proficiency (5 credits) LESPA2601 Professional development seminar- Spanish Paula Lorente Fernandez (coord.) 30h 5 credits 1q Literature (5 credits) Students choose one course from among: LROM2840 Text analysis in Spanish Geneviève Fabry 22.5h 5 credits 1q LROM2842 Issues in Spanish Literary History Geneviève Fabry 30h 5 credits 2q Linguistics (5 credits) Students choose one course from among: LROM2843 Issues in Spanish Linguistics Barbara De Cock 30h 5 credits 2q LROM2517 Seminar: Spanish Linguistics Barbara De Cock 15h 5 credits 2q Italian (15 credits) LROM2851 Italian Literature within Narrative, Poetry and the Stage Costantino Maeder 15h 5 credits 2q LROM2852 Poetry within Destruction and Re-creation : from Saba, Montale, Ungaretti to the Present Costantino Maeder 15h 5 credits 1q LROM2854 Italy within the world: literary and cultural comparative paths Erica Durante 15h 5 credits 2q LROM2856 The Writer and the Cinema Costantino Maeder 15h 5 credits 1q LROM2857 Pragmatico- linguistic analysis of Italian literary texts Costantino Maeder 15h 5 credits 2q