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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 The curriculum of the MME will require a minimum total of 120 credits covering two years, with a minimum of 60 credits per year, and comprising:
-          a 30-credit core curriculum
-           specialist courses in electricity (30 credits)
-           one or more of the options or elective courses, detailed hereafter :
•         Electronics - electrotechnics - control
•         Telecommunications
•         Information and signal processing
•         Communication networks
•         Microwaves
•         Electronic circuits and systems
•         Nanotechnology
•         MEMS & NEMS
•         Photovoltaïc technologies
•         Cryptography & Information Security
•         Biomedical engineering
•         Management
•         Launching of small and medium-sized companies (CPME-limited acces)

Elective courses

The final thesis is generally written during the last year. However, students may choose to take any given course in the first or second year, subject to possible prerequisites. This will be the case in particular for students pursuing part of their education abroad.
If, in the course of his (her) former curriculum, a student has already been credited with a subject included in the compulsory or elective curriculum, or any training deemed equivalent by the diploma committee, this subject will be replaced by elective courses, while conforming to imposed constraints. The student is responsible for checking whether the minimum total number of credits has been reached, as well as those of the specialized field, which will appear on the final diploma.
The student’s curriculum will be submitted for acceptance by the relevant diploma committee.

Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalize 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits.

> Tronc commun du master ingénieur civil électricien

> Professional focus

Options courses

> Options ingénieur civil électricien
> Option en électrotechnique - énergie électrique / electrotechnics - electrical energy (EEA)
> Option en télécommunications/telecommunication
> Option en traitement de l'information et du signal / Information and signal processing
> Option en réseaux de communication / Communication Networks
> Option en hyperfréquences / microwaves
> Option en circuits et systèmes électroniques / electronic circuits and systems
> Option en nanotechnologie/ nanotechnology
> Option en MEMS & NEMS /MEMS & NEMS
> Photovoltaic technologies
> Option en création de petites et moyennes entreprises
> Option en génie biomédical/biomedical engineering
> option : Cryptography & Information Security
> Business risks and opportunities
> Cours au choix accessibles aux étudiants du master ingénieur civil électricien