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Study programme 2013-2014

Teaching and training

It is through the study of movement that the Institute of Physical Education and Rehabilitation affirms its specialisation within the University and society.
The two principal programmes of the IEPR are Physical Education and Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation.
The evolution of these disciplines situates the IEPR in a much wider environment - namely that of Movement Science.
Therefore, at the beginning of their studies in Physical Education, the students share their general training in sciences and a part of that of Movement Science with the students of Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation. This partial equivalence of the training programme facilitates study re-orientation if so desired.
Studies in Physical Education are based on the mastery of physical activities and of sports disciplines.
This practical training provides a balance with the studies in Movement Science.
The bachelor's course in Physical Education totals 180 credits, divided, for a standard programme, into 3 years of 60 credits. This three year division takes the prerequisites into account and is the standard programe for any student who passes each year of his course.
The 150 credits obtained from the compulsory training programme are completed by 30 credits of personalised studies that the student may choose from among several options.
As from the second year of the bachelor's, the student may therefore opt for any of the following: 
  • for a collection of options and associated work experience which complements the practical sports training : From audacity in security to climbing - Outdoor Endurance Sports and associated work experience - Nature and physical and sports activities - Racket Sports - Self-defence
  • for an ensemble of specific courses in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation (this second optional course possibility also makes it easier for the student to envisage obtaining two diplomas - one in Physical Education and one in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation)
  • for an opening in another subject taught at UCL, by means of a minor proposed by another UCL faculty, on a parallel with the pursuit of the studies in Physical Education.

 Principal Subjects 
The training delivered during the bachelor's of Physical Education owes its richness and its specific nature to its multiple anchorages. From the very first year of studies on, the standard programme provides the student with specific practical training in Physical Education. This practical training, of around 8 hours per week, is linked to specific theoretical studies (2 hours per week) as well as to studies in the Basic Sciences, shared with the students of Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation (10 hours per week). The specific nature of the Physical Education programme is thus present right from the outset and is reinforced from the second year on.
Similarly, from the second year of the bachelor's studies on, the standard course offers the student the possibility of options which will enable him to enrichen his training programme.
Scheduled around twenty hours per week, the programme leaves the student with sufficient time for study and personal training.
The bachelor's of Physical Education thus totals 180 credits, divided, for a standard programme, into 3 years of 60 credits. This three year division takes the prerequisites into account and is the standard programme for any student who passes each year of his studies.
Practical methodological training specific to the EDPH : 
Physical, sportive and expression activities : Athletics - Dance and expression activities - Fitness - Artistic Gymnastics and acrobatic sports - Games and group sports - Swimming - Physical and sports activity methodologies.
Studies in the Exact, Biomedical and Human Sciences and Movement Science, shared with Kinesitherapy
Anatomy - Analysis of Movement - Biology - Chemistry - Interpreting and processing data - Mechanics and Bio-mechanics - Neuro-physiology and Neuro-psychology - Philosophy- Physiology - Psychology - Life-saving, Resuscitation and dealing with on-the-spot emergencies (theory and practice).
Studies in Movement Science specific to the EDPH : 
Physical and Sportive Activities (APS) among the sciences and human practices - Biomechanics applied to sports - Growth and ageing - Socio-historical, juridical, economic and institutional dimensions of APS - Theory of practising APS - Communication Techniques in Physical Education (theory and practice).
Language training