Master in Electrical Engineering [120.0] - ELEC2MThe Master’s in electrical engineering is a comprehensive and open training which will provide the basics of extremely varied and advanced fields of application. It aims to train engineers who will be able to meet future technological challenges in the scientific and technical fields relating to electricity and its applications, within an ever-changing European and global context. It opens up a variety of job perspectives. Upon graduating, students will master the mathematical and physical methods of electricity (circuits and measurements, electromagnetism, physical electronics) and will have acquired an in-depth training in at least one main discipline of electricity (electronics, telecommunications and signal processing, electrotechnology), as well as a solid basic knowledge of the others. Students are allowed a lot of latitude in choosing elective courses, and this gives them the possibility to become either « non-specialized » or else « specialists » in a given field. Via a pedagogy which favours project work integrating various fields, the training aims to develop students’ critical mind, so as to be able to design, model, carry through and experimentally validate complex devices, equipments and systems. General presentation of the programme
The curriculum of the MME will require a minimum total of 120 credits covering two years, with a minimum of 60 credits per year, and comprising:
- a 30-credit core curriculum - specialist courses in electricity (30 credits) - one or more of the 10 options offered in : • EEA (electrotechnology-electronics-control theory) • Telecommunications • Information and signal processing • Communication networks • Microwaves • Circuits and electronic systems • Nanotechnology • MEMS & NEMS • Biomedical engineering • Management • Launching of small and medium-sized companies (CPME-limited acces) Elective courses Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits Tronc commun du master ingénieur civil électricien Options et cours au choix master ingénieur civil électricien
- Accessible complementary Master’s degrees:
Master’s in nuclear engineering - Accessible Ph. D. curricula The department of electrical engineering is one of those with the largest number of doctoral students. Members of the department are involved in many thematic Ph. D. schools, some of these having been active for many years, others currently being set up. A list of these thematic Ph. D. schools can be obtained from the chairperson of the Ph. D. committee relating to "Engineering sciences and the Art of building and town planning " of the Académie Universitaire Louvain or on the FNRS Website http://www1.FNRS.BE No object.