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Advanced Master in Multidisciplinary Psychotherapy [60.0] - CPI2MC

AnnéesFormations proposées à des personnes ayant une expérience professionnelle et/ou sociale avec aménagement d'horaireTravail de fin d'étudeProgramme interuniversitaire

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The general objective of this programme is to provide advanced training for psychologists who wish to work in the field of clinical psychology for children, teenagers and adults.
The precise objectives are:
– to improve practical knowledge relating to psychological interviews, psychological assessment in the areas of psychopathology, interpersonal relations and learning and development difficulties, planning and implementation of an intervention project and evaluation of its effectiveness (in coordination with other professionals), working in a network and the management of interprofessional relationships. These objectives are achieved through different kinds of teaching : for example, case analysis and discussion, learning by problem solving and presentations by professionals.
– to promote the application of theoretical and practical knowledge in a clinical environment and the acquisition of professional skills through a placement and a seminar on practice.
– to emphasize the links between theoretical and practical knowledge by producing a dissertation in the form of a detailed case study or applied research.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The training, including the placement, the assessments and the production of a dissertation, is for 60 credits, which may be spread over three years.

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

The Advanced Joint Master is an inter-university training programme worth 60 credits. At the end of the programme, a degree is jointly awarded by the partner universities (Louvain Aacademy / University of Geneva).
| 18/10/2008 |