The programme is designed to develop the necessary skills capable of putting students at the centre of their own learning.
It is designed to enable candidates to acquire the knowledge, information and skills relevant to the different areas of higher education (universities and colleges of higher education) and to the application in these areas of the latest developments in research on learning and education.
It involves developing skills in designing, implementing and analyzing relevant teaching methods and techniques, particularly those which can drive and direct the interaction in student groups of different sizes, help students to achieve as much independence as possible in their learning by using the latest technology such as multimedia, software and e-learning.
It also involves making teachers aware of scientific and technical aids which can enable them to achieve the best results for the largest possible number of students and nurture the personal development of each one and to understand the development of higher education and the issues involved.
The programme also develops the skills necessary for working in mutidisciplinary teams to implement teaching projects and syllabuses.
The programme is open to holders of a second cycle university degree who wish to develop their skills and knowledge in university level teaching.
This programme may also form additional training for holders of the teaching certificate for higher education (certificat d'aptitude pédagogique approprié à l'enseignement supérieur - CAPAES).
Prérequis :
sur dossier
Accès personnalisé : pour rappel tout master (à l'exception des masters complémentaires) peut également être accessible sur dossier et notamment par validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE). > En savoir plus
Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration
See the general admission requirements
Specific procedures :
The general admission conditions are outlined at
In accordance with the general regulations of the academic authorities, the following students may be admitted to the programmes of Advanced Masters :
- holders of a Master in the same subject confirming second cycle studies of at least 120 credits;
- holders of a Master, in accordance with a decision by the academic authorities to specify additional conditions and on the basis of a reasoned opinion from the panel;
- an academic degree similar to those mentioned above, awarded in the Flemish Community, the German Community or the Royal Military School, under the same conditions;
- a foreign academic degree recognized as equivalent to the first two above, according to decree, a European directive or an international convention;
- a foreign degree confirming second cycle studies and recognized as being worth at least 300 credits, under the same conditions.
Special admission conditions for this programme
Students with a second cycle university degree in a subject other than psychology or education awarded by a university in the French-speaking Community must provide evidence of working professionally for at least one year in a university or higher education institution (teaching, teaching assistant, management).
Application files are examined by a committee of the admissions panel.
Prerequisites :
Individually tailored access :Entry to all Masters (with the exception of Advanced Masters) can be gained through the special procedure for accrediting prior learning and experience known as VAE (validation des acquis de l'expérience).
Strong points of the pedagogical approach
- Combination of theory/ practice
This programme encourages active teaching, closely linked with developing candidates’ teaching practice. The contact hours of teaching (classes, seminars), the supervision time for special projects, teaching practice, assessment of the teaching practice, presentation of the results of the assessment to ensure real professional development as well as thorough assessment, informed by research : all of these are closely linked. There is a combination of three main elements : theory and practice, cross-disciplinary and disciplinary skills, research and teaching.
- Links with research
Collaboration between partners involved in the development of training and research in university teaching, particularly on the following themes :
+ analysis of effects of teaching methods on the process of learning, transfer of knowledge and engagement in higher education
+ learning, motivation and identity in mature students
+ teaching methods at university
+ use of e-learning
+ assessment of what students have gained from university education
+ comparative approach to educational policies and teaching methods in higher education
- Using technology
There is special emphasis on using technology in teaching and learning as these are powerful catalysts in education.
There is active participation in the programme from institutional players who, for many years, have worked together to develop training in university teaching and educational research : at UCL, the UNESCO Chair in university teaching, the Institut of University Teaching and Multimedia (Institut de pédagogie universitaire et des Multimédias - IPM) and the FOPA; at the Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix in Namur , the University Teaching Service of the Department of Education and Technology.
Support teams for the Advanced Master
A team (made up of a visiting lecturer, an adviser from one of the university teaching centres if the candidate comes from a university or an adviser from a college of higher education if the candidate comes from this sector) will supervise students’ progress and their final review assignment.
In addition, a review seminar is attended by all students on the programme and to provide support for the production of the final review assignment, a genuine teaching portfolio which should be able to show evidence of critical distance based on theoretical reasoning relating to students’ own teaching.
Satisfactory completion of the Advanced Master is conditional on the defence of the final review assignment (written report to be submitted).
The assignment is defended orally before a panel of examiners made up of the support team, lecturers from the programme as well as an outside examiner who is a specialist in the relevant subject. A seminar is held to bring the work of participants to a wider university audience.
Legend | ||||||||||||||||||
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Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) | ||||||||||||||||||
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![]() Ce dossier se veut intégratif et concerne donc l'ensemble des compétences développées dans les volets théorique et pratique | ||||||||||||||||||
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mémoire (Il comprend une composante de: production - publication, innovation, support pédagogique -, argumentation orale et écrite - distance critique et réflexivité - communication - colloque, formation des pairs -. Cette dernière composante pourrait faire partie des activités proposées dans le cadre de l'IPM. ) (in French) |
N. | 15credits | x | ||||||||||||||
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![]() Formation approfondie en pédagogie universitaire et de l'enseignement supérieur, proposée par modules intensifs. L'étudiant capitalise 12 crédits en suivant soit FOPC2100 (UCL) soit FCAP2001 & FCAP2002 (FUNDP) | ||||||||||||||||||
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Approches psycho-socio-pédagogiques de l'enseignement supérieur: questions approfondies (in French) | Mariane Frenay, Marcel Lebrun, Léopold Paquay (coord.), Julia Schmitz (supplée Mariane Frenay) | 60h | 12credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur (in French) | N. | 30h | 6credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Introduction à la pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur (in French) | N. | 30h | 6credits | x | |||||||||||||
![]() Pratique d'enseignement et/ou d'accompagnement supervisée dans le contexte professionnel du candidat par une équipe composée d'un professeur de la discipline concernée et d'un conseiller pédagogique spécialisé. | ||||||||||||||||||
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Séminaire d'intégration (in French) | Marielle Dony, Mariane Frenay (coord.), Mireille Houart, Nathalie Kruyts, Marcel Lebrun, Marc Romainville (coord.), Denis Smidts | 30h | 20credits | x | |||||||||||||
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![]() Ces activités peuvent être choisies dans le portefeuille de cours de l'Académie Louvain ou dans les activités de formation proposées par l'IPM, le DET (Dpt Education & technologie des FUNDP) ou tout autre service de pédagogie universitaire, sous réserve d'acceptation par les responsables du programme. Chaque activité doit comporter un minimum de 2 crédits. | ||||||||||||||||||
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Séminaire de recherche en sciences de l'éducation : entretien de recherche, récit de vie et traitement des données (in French) | Luc Albarello | 30h | 4credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Séminaire de recherche en sciences de l'éducation : récolte et traitement de données quantitatives (in French) | Caroline Letor | 30h | 4credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Séminaire de recherche en sciences de l'éducation : recherche, critique et analyse de documents, de sites ou de cas (in French) | Guy Zelis | 30h | 4credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Technologies de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage | Françoise Docq, Marcel Lebrun (coord.), Denis Smidts | 30h | 5credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
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Learning and teaching with new technologies (in French) | Marcel Lebrun | 15h + 15h | 2credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Analyse sociologique des organisations socio-éducatives (in French) | Vincent Dupriez, Isabel Raemdonck | 30h + 15h | 4credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Approche socio-politique de l'éducation et de la formation | Jean-Emile Charlier, Christian Maroy | 45h | 5credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Ethique de l'éducation et de la formation (in French) | Hervé Pourtois, Pierre Steiner | 30h | 4credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Education scolaire et société (in French) | N. | 30h + 10h | 4credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Pédagogie des adultes (in French) | N. | 15h | 2credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Introduction à la pédagogie des adultes (in French) | N. | 30h | 3credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Motivation et apprentissage en formation (in French) | Etienne Bourgeois | 30h | 3credits | x | |||||||||||||
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Elaboration, gestion et évaluation d'un projet de formation. 1ère partie (in French) | Françoise de Viron | 30h | 3credits | x | |||||||||||||