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Master [120] of science in Geography : General - GEOG2M

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The organization of the space in which we live results from the impact of man on his natural surroundings. It comes from a great many decisions, taken long ago or recently, which have shaped our environment by adapting it to our needs, for better and for worse. These decisions have stimulated development and also created imbalances : more productive world agriculture, industrial concentrations, urbanization, trade at every level, increase in average well-being, but also delocalization, pollution, damage to land, deforestation, erosion of biodiversity or climate change. Geography studies the mechanisms which have led to all these effects, in order to control them better. 


The objective of the training with a research focus is an introduction to the three fundamental aspects of the work of a geographer:

  • to observe and describe the environment, especially with computerized databases and advanced satellite observation technology and monitoring the state of the environment through different kinds of measurements ;
  • to understand and explain the processes that have been observed, especially by building models which enable them to be simulated;
  • to manage resources through land development.

Students will develop skills in the field of geography and especially in the study of the interactions between human activities, geographical space and the natural environment. This is done from the perspective of both human and physical geography: it is important to bring them together. The training also provides students with the geographical techniques necessary for the study of this.

The research focus prepares students for a range of different jobs in the public and private sector or in the voluntary field as well as for being a researcher.

The teaching focus is a specially adapted programme which focuses on teaching at the higher levels of secondary education.  


Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme comprises core subjects of 60 credits, 30 credits for the focus (research or teaching) and 30 credits for optional subjects.

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Tronc commun

Une finalité

Cours au choix

  • Cours complémentaires en géographie
  • Ecologie
  • Climatologie et Sciences de la terre
  • Géographie économique
  • Population et développement
  • Aménagement du territoire
  • Gestion de l'environnement
  • Cours au choix complémentaires pour la finalité didactique
    • Un cours parmi
    • 5 crédits à choisir parmi l'ensemble des cours au choix ou les cours ci-dessous
  • Un cours parmi
  • 5 crédits à choisir parmi l'ensemble des cours au choix ou les cours ci-dessous

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

| 3/08/2011 |