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Master [120] of arts in European Studies - EURO2M

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The European dimension is taking on an increasingly important role in economic affairs, the social situation, the formulation of law and political issues for member states and European citizens.

Attached to the Masters in Political and Social Science, the Master in European Studies is a course which gives students the necessary knowledge and analytical tools to understand and evaluate the process of European integration ; it prepares students for those professions relating to the European dimension in different levels of government  (European, national, regional and local), lobbying, consulting and think tanks concerned with the European institutions and a variety of other economic and social affairs in which special knowledge of European affairs is required.

The programme covers economics, law and history relating to European construction as well as studying the political aspects, both internal and external. With its emphasis on budgetary resources and how European decisions are made, the European Policies, Dimensions and Means focus is centred on the main internal policies of the Union, whilst the Europe in the World focus has as its subject the role of the Union as a global player in international relations in the era of globalization.

The Thinking Europe seminar adds an interdisciplinary dimension to the programme.

Students are expected to speak both French and English as some elements of the programme are in English. In addition, the programme also includes study of another language to reflect European multilingualism.

The programme is organized jointly by the Institute of European Studies at UCL and the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Core courses

Finalités spécialisées

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Advanced Masters : /

Doctoral programmes : the Institute of European Studies does not award doctorates in European studies. Each Faculty sets the admission criteria for the doctorates it organizes. The Institute of European Studies is part of the doctoral school of European studies.  

| contact : Nadine Gelinne | 3/08/2011 |