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Programme year by year

Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year two year courses

First year


MandatoryGeneral training
Mandatory LFLTR1140

Arts and Civilisations   Marco Cavalieri , Alexander Streitberger (coord.) , Brigitte Van Wymeersch 37.5h  5 credits   1q 
Mandatory LFLTR1410

Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation   Paul Servais , Françoise Van Haeperen , Laurence Van Ypersele , Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 60h + 10h  5 credits   1q 
Mandatory LFLTR1510

Introduction to the Principal Works of European Literature I  Paul Deproost , Erica Durante (coord.) , Guido Latre , Jean-Claude Polet (supplée Paul Deproost) , Hubert Roland 30h  5 credits   1q 
Mandatory LFLTR1430A

Historical criticism  Laurence Van Ypersele 30h  3 credits   2q 
Mandatory LFLTR1540

Analysis and Practice of Academic Discourse   Marielle Crahay , Sébastien Marlair (coord.) 15h + 15h  5 credits   1q 

MandatoryStudents must choose a course in the first year and a course in the second year
Optional LFLTR1420A

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Antiquity  Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Optional LFLTR1420B

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Middle Ages  Jean-Marie Yante 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Optional LFLTR1420C

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Modern Times  Jean-Marie Cauchies 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Optional LFLTR1420D

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Contemporary Period  Laurence Van Ypersele 22.5h  3 credits   2q 

MandatoryIntroduction to the discipline
Mandatory LARKE1431

Historiography and Epistemology of Archaeology and Art History II  Ralph Dekoninck , Jan Driessen 30h  5 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

Mandatory LARKE1236

Introduction to Heritage Conservation (Conservation and Museology)  (in French) Marie-Cécile Bruwier 30h  4 credits   2q 
Mandatory LARKE1421

Introduction to Scientific Practice in Archaeology, Art History and Musicology  Eric De Waele , Ralph Dekoninck , Brigitte Van Wymeersch 37.5h  5 credits   2q 

MandatoryArts and civilizations
Mandatory LARKE1453

Survey and excavation methods and technics : theory and field training  N. 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1452

Arts et civilisations : North-West Europe Archaeology  (in French) Raymond Brulet 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1456

Art and Civilisation : Visual Arts from Modern Times to the Contemporary Period  (in French) Alexander Streitberger 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1454

Art and Civilisation : Greek and Roman Antiquity  Marco Cavalieri , Jan Driessen 37.5h  5 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1455

Art and Civilisation : Architecture of Modern Times and Contemporary period  Philippe Bragard 37.5h  5 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 


MandatoryIn the first year of the Bachelor
Students must choose two language courses from the list below: either two modern language courses or one modern language course and one ancient language course.

MandatoryModern languages
Optional LFLTR1710

German language  (in French) Henri Bouillon 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1720

English language  Sylvie De Cock 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LANGL1811

English: Language and Culture  Estelle Dagneaux (coord.) , Philippe Denis , Claudine Grommersch 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1730

Dutch language  (in French) Philippe Hiligsmann 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1250

Dutch : language and culture  (in French) Laurent Rasier 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 

OptionalAncient languages
Students must take one of the following courses : (FLTR 1770, FLTR 1780 and FLTR 1781 are open to students who have either studied Latin for four hours per week during the last four years of secondary education or pass an assessment test at the beginning of the year. Students who do not fulfil these conditions must take FLTR 1760.)
Optional LFLTR1760

Begining Latin   Alain Meurant 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1770

Beginning Greek   Claude Obsomer 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1780

Latin language and literature : poetry
(15 hours of exercises, choice between classical and medieval latin) 
Paul Deproost (coord.) , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional LFLTR1781

Latin language and literature : prose
(15 hours of exercises, choice between classical and medieval latin) 
Paul Deproost , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

Second year


MandatoryGeneral training
Mandatory LFLTR1610

Introduction to Philosophy  Jean-Michel Counet , Michel Lisse 45h  4 credits   2q 

MandatoryStudents must choose a course in the first year and a course in the second year
Optional LFLTR1420A

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Antiquity  Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Optional LFLTR1420B

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Middle Ages  Jean-Marie Yante 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Optional LFLTR1420C

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Modern Times  Jean-Marie Cauchies 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Optional LFLTR1420D

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Contemporary Period  Laurence Van Ypersele 22.5h  3 credits   2q 

MandatoryIntroduction to the discipline
Mandatory LARKE1431

Historiography and Epistemology of Archaeology and Art History II  Ralph Dekoninck , Jan Driessen 30h  5 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

MandatoryStudents must choose a technology course in one of the two subjects :
Optional LARKE1230

Technology of Antiquity and Archaeometry  Raymond Brulet , Jan Driessen 22.5h  3 credits   1q 
Optional LARKE1233

Technology and Notions of the History of Techniques, from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Period  Philippe Bragard 22.5h  3 credits   1q 

Mandatory LARKE1237

Image interpretation - Introduction to methods iconological  Ralph Dekoninck 15h  3 credits   1q 

MandatoryStudents must choose an introductory course on scientific practice in one of the two subjects :
Optional LARKE1232

Introduction to Scientific Practice in Archaeology  Eric De Waele 37.5h  6 credits   1+2q 
Optional LARKE1234

Introduction to Scientific Practice in Art History  Philippe Bragard , Ralph Dekoninck 37.5h  6 credits   1+2q 

MandatoryArts and civilizations
Mandatory LARKE1453

Survey and excavation methods and technics : theory and field training  N. 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1452

Arts et civilisations : North-West Europe Archaeology  (in French) Raymond Brulet 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1456

Art and Civilisation : Visual Arts from Modern Times to the Contemporary Period  (in French) Alexander Streitberger 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1451

Art and civilisations : Egyptian and Near-Eastern Antiquity  N. 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1454

Art and Civilisation : Greek and Roman Antiquity  Marco Cavalieri , Jan Driessen 37.5h  5 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Mandatory LARKE1455

Art and Civilisation : Architecture of Modern Times and Contemporary period  Philippe Bragard 37.5h  5 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Mandatory LMUSI1511

Music History (notions)  Brigitte Van Wymeersch 37.5h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 


MandatoryIn the second year of the Bachelor
L'étudiant poursuit soit l'étude des deux langues modernes soit l'étude de la langue moderne et de la langue ancienne choisies en 1re année. L'étudiant peut également poursuivre l'étude d'une des 2 langues modernes choisies en 1re année et entamer l'étude d'une langue ancienne pour un minimum de 6 crédits.

MandatoryModern languages
Optional LANGL1810

English for Arts Students - An intermediate course  Keith Carlon 60h  3 credits   1+2q 
Optional LALLE1810

German - General Topic Reading Comprehension   (in French) Ann Rinder 50h  3 credits   1+2q 
Optional LNEER1810

Intermediate Dutch for Social Science  (in French) Hilde Bufkens 60h  3 credits   1+2q 

OptionalAncient languages
Students must take one of the following courses : (FLTR 1770, FLTR 1780 and FLTR 1781 are open to students who have either studied Latin for four hours per week during the last four years of secondary education or pass an assessment test at the beginning of the year. Students who do not fulfil these conditions must take FLTR 1760.)
Optional LFLTR1760

Begining Latin   Alain Meurant 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1770

Beginning Greek   Claude Obsomer 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1780

Latin language and literature : poetry
(15 hours of exercises, choice between classical and medieval latin) 
Paul Deproost (coord.) , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional LFLTR1781

Latin language and literature : prose
(15 hours of exercises, choice between classical and medieval latin) 
Paul Deproost , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

Students must choose a minor from the University Faculty programmes, subject to possible prerequisites required by the programme managers. Students spread these courses over the second and third years of the Bachelor programme so that each academic year comes to a total of 60 credits.

Minor in the second year of the Bachelor programme  (in French) N.   15 credits    

Third year


MandatoryGeneral training
Mandatory LFLTR1630

Logic and Argumentation in Human Sciences  Jean Leclercq 30h  3 credits   1q 

MandatoryOne course of Religious Sciences to choose among :
Optional LTECO1210

Questions of Religious Sciences: Biblical Readings  Joseph Famerée 15h  2 credits   1q 
Optional LTECO1220

Questions of Religious Sciences: Reflections about Christian Faith  Jean Leclercq 15h  2 credits   1q 
Optional LTECO1230

Questions of Religious Sciences: Questions about Ethics  Emil Piront 15h  2 credits   2q 

MandatoryArts and civilizations
Mandatory LARKE1451

Art and civilisations : Egyptian and Near-Eastern Antiquity  N. 37.5h  5 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory LMUSI1511

Music History (notions)  Brigitte Van Wymeersch 37.5h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

MandatorySeminar on the principles of archaeology and the history of art
Students must choose a seminar in one of the two subjects :
Optional LARKE1601

Undergraduat Seminar : Archaeology  Marco Cavalieri , Jan Driessen 22.5h  5 credits   1+2q 
Optional LARKE1602

Undergraduat Seminar : Art History  Philippe Bragard , Ralph Dekoninck (coord.) , Alexander Streitberger 22.5h  5 credits   1+2q 

MandatoryAesthetics and methodology
Mandatory LARKE1238

Notions of Aesthetics and Art Philosophy  (in French) Danielle Lories 22.5h  3 credits   2q 
Mandatory LARKE1310

Building Archaeology  Philippe Bragard , Eric De Waele 15h  3 credits   1q 
Mandatory LARKE1353

Méthodes et techniques de prospection et de fouilles archéologiques : théorie et pratique  Raymond Brulet 37.5h  5 credits   1+2q 

MandatoryAccrediting extra-academic training and experience
Mandatory LARKE1351

Fieldwork and internship (excavations, museums, laboratories, fieldtrips...)  (in French) N. 78h  4 credits    
Mandatory LARKE1352

Individual projects: e-portfolio  N.   6 credits    


MandatoryIn the third year of the Bachelor
Students choose either the two modern languages or one modern and one ancient language taken in the first year. students may also study one of the two modern languages chosen in their first year and begin the study of an ancient language with a minimum of 6 credits.

MandatoryModern languages
Optional LANGL2410

Interactive Communication  Philippe Denis 30h  3 credits   1+2q 
Optional LALLE2410

German - Interactive communication   (in French) Ann Rinder 30h  3 credits   1+2q 
Optional LNEER2414

Dutch communication skills for students of the 3rd year of the Baccalauréat in Archeology - intermediate level   (in French) Mariken Smit 30h  3 credits   1+2q 

OptionalAncient languages
Students must take one of the following courses : (FLTR 1770, FLTR 1780 and FLTR 1781 are open to students who have either studied Latin for four hours per week during the last four years of secondary education or pass an assessment test at the beginning of the year. Students who do not fulfil these conditions must take FLTR 1760.)
Optional LFLTR1760

Begining Latin   Alain Meurant 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1770

Beginning Greek   Claude Obsomer 30h + 30h  5 credits   1q 
Optional LFLTR1780

Latin language and literature : poetry
(15 hours of exercises, choice between classical and medieval latin) 
Paul Deproost (coord.) , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional LFLTR1781

Latin language and literature : prose
(15 hours of exercises, choice between classical and medieval latin) 
Paul Deproost , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5 credits   1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional LGLOR1143

Latin Language and Texts II
(Prerequisites : students are required to have taken FLTR 1780 and FLTR 1781.) 
Lambert Isebaert 22.5h + 7.5h  4 credits   2q 

MandatoryOptional courses
Student must choose a course of a minimum of 3 credits from the following :
Optional LTHEO1362

Art and Religion  Ralph Dekoninck 30h  3 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional LMUSI1508

Aesthetics and Philosophy  Brigitte Van Wymeersch 22.5h  3 credits   2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional LMUSI1517

World Music and Culture   John Philippe Van Tiggelen 22.5h  3 credits   Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional LCCR1210

Théories et pratiques culturelles  (in French) Luc Collès (coord.) , Ralph Dekoninck (coord.) 30h  5 credits   1q 

Students must choose a minor from the University Faculty programmes, subject to possible prerequisites required by the programme managers. Students spread these courses over the second and third years of the Bachelor programme so that each academic year comes to a total of 60 credits.

Minor in the third year of the Bachelor programme  (in French) N.   15 credits    
| 21/04/2009 |