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General presentation of the programme

The bachelor in Religious Studies (180 credits) is composed of one single line of studies (major), common to all, with the possibility of choosing a minor in another subject. The study activities foster interaction between the (teams of) instructors and students via lectures, individual and group projects and supervised tasks.
The bachelor in Religious Studies covers general academic training in every domain of theology : a methodological, historical and theological introduction to the Old and New Testament : a synopsis of the knowledge from the past of which we are the heirs, an exploration of the mystery of the Revelation in tune with the current lines of thinking of theological dogma; Christian existence; pastoral reflection and ministry.
The programme likewise comprises initiation into the main branches of Philosophy; an introduction to Psychology, Sociology, Religious Art, Non-Christian Religions and Religious Sociology. It provides the possibility to acquire or improve knowledge of those ancient and modern languages necessary for the critical analysis of sources of Christian faith and of contemporary reflection.
Finally, the student will complete his major by a minor of his choice (Philosophy and other sciences, useful for the studies in Theology, are highly recommended), or by additional courses in Theology and in Religious Sciences for a total of 30 credits.
 Principal Subjects 
  • General Methodology of Theology
  • Biblical Exegesis ( historical, methodological and theological introduction to the Bible, exegesis of the Old and New Testament)
  • Historical Criticism and History of Christianity
  • History of Religions (Judaism, Islamism, Oriental Religions)
  • Reflection on Dogma (foundations of Theological Reflection ; God and Man, Christ, the Church, the Sacraments)
  • Ethics (Foundations in Morality ; Questions on Society, Family Ethics, Bioethics)
  • Spiritual Theology
  • Practical Theology and Human Sciences
  • Philosophy (Introduction, Anthropology, Metaphysics, Epistemology)
  • Ancient Languages (Biblical Greek and Latin)
  • (Choice of a) Modern Language
  • Heuristics and final dissertation. 


| 6/10/2008 |