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Master in Philosophy [120.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The master 120 en philosophie aims to give students advanced skills in philosophy and give them the opportunity to carry out individual, original research.
Philosophy teaching and philosophical research at UCL go back to 1889. Since this time, the Institut supérieur de philosophie has never ceased to explore new philosophical trends and topics, whilst remaining true to what it has already accomplished. It has thus always linked dialogue with tradition and an openness to contemporary concerns. Incidentally, the Ecole louvaniste has always stressed the need to be open to other disciplines (history, theology, exact science, economics, law, etc). This desire for a cross-disciplinary approach is all the better served as UCL is a complete university, which of course helps the link between philosophy and other academic disciplines.

At the end of this second level,

1. Students will have acquired more in-depth knowledge of the following six sectors of philosophical research, spread into three focuses.
a. Research focus
- either the sector of 'orientations philosophiques fondamentales'
- or the thematic sector of philosophical aesthetics
- or the thematic sector of philosophy of science
- or the interdisciplinary sector of the societal issue of science and techniques
c. Teaching focus
c. 1. sector of philosophical didactics
b. Professional focus
b. 1. sector of German and French philosophy

2. students will be able
• to make a critical literary summary on a given issue;
• to address and defend philosophical arguments;
• to take part in philosophical debates in their specialist area
• to produce individual research, draft it and present the results orally;
3. students may have acquired experience outside of UCL, most frequently of an international nature, (thanks to stays abroad, in particular as part of Erasmus exchanges in Europe, or Erasmus mundus exchanges, or through meeting foreign professors and researchers) ;
4. at the end of this course, students will be prepared for third level research (doctorate).

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The master 120 en philosophie includes core courses (75 credits) including a dissertation, a choice of focus (30 credits) and optional courses (15 credits). There are three types of focus: research, teaching or professional.
1. Research or teaching focus
The research focus trains students in how to undertake research. As for the teaching focus, it guides students towards secondary teaching.
The student can divide his courses out in two ways
First possibility. During the first year, he chooses 40 credits from the shared subjects of the core courses, 15 credits from the optional courses and takes the preparation seminar for the dissertation (5 credits). In the second year, he chooses five credits from the shared subjects which were not chosen before, a focus (30 credits) and completes his dissertation (25 credits).
Second possibility. During the first year, he chooses 45 credits from the shared subjects of the core courses, 10 credits from the optional courses and takes the preparation seminar for the dissertation (5 credits). In the second year, he chooses 5 credits from the shared subjects which were not chosen before, a focus (30 credits) and completes his dissertation (25 credits).
Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall total a minimum of 120 credits, spread over two years of study each of 60 credits

2. Professional focus
This focus is exclusively reserved to students who have been admitted to enrol on the master 'Philosophies allemande et française dans l’espace européen (Europhilosophie)' on the Erasmus Mundus programme (www.europhilosophie.eu/mundus/), and of which ISP is a partner.
This master offers students from across the world high-level training over two years in the fields of German and French philosophy and the way they interact within the European intellectual and cultural area. Each year, 13 students who are not European Union nationals are selected and given an annual grant of 21.000 EUR. 13 European Union students are also selected and their mobility is covered by the Erasmus programme.
Depending on his study path, a student who spends a term at UCL will choose 30 credits from the core course courses and will enrol on the professional focus in German and French philosophy. A student who spends a whole masters year at UCL will choose 35 credits from the core course courses and 20 dissertation credits.
Whatever the programme chosen, the master 120 programme will total a minimum of 120 credits spread over two years of study of 60 credits each.
Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall total a minimum of 120 credits, spread over two years of study each of 60 credits
Core courses:
Research focus
Teaching focus
Professional focus
Optional courses


Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Tronc commun:


Cours au choix

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

The teaching focus master 120 en philosophie gives access to higher secondary school teaching.
The research or professional focus master 120 en philosophie gives access to the 'agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur' (AESS).
The teaching, research or professional focus master 120 en philosophie gives access to a doctorate.

Retour en début de pageCertificates

There is a university certificate in philosophy (advanced module) which borrows courses from the second level.



University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Philosophy [180.0]   Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Bacheliers en philosophie   Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Foreign Bachelors
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Master in Ethics [120.0]   On the file: direct access or access with additional training  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements


Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

In general terms, the training the student will have received at the end of his master will equip him with a highly developed critical mind, skills in objective analysis and an ability to summarise and pick out the parameters to take into account when addressing an issue. These qualities provided by calling thins into question, reading philosophical texts and the diversity of the subjects taught help the student 'step back' from the subject in a manner which is characteristic of graduates in philosophy and valued by the jobs market (diplomacy, journalism, managing human resources). In his working life, the philosopher will tend spontaneously to work with his colleagues in a spirit of tolerance and openness to dialogue.
Incidentally, the training provided by the master provides the student with all resources and methods which will allow him, subject to completing extra training, to conduct himself, albeit as part of a research team, a specialisation in a sector of philosophical research.
More specifically, the teaching methodology favoured by the master is characterised by
– the availability of the professors : whether at the end of the class or by appointment in his office, the professor will always be present to answer a question, go over an issue again or give information on reading matter.
– the close link to research : the content of the courses and seminars is very closely linked to the research conducted by the professors. This makes their classes all the more lively and students can share in their research.
– interaction : at the level of the master, courses are often less 'lecture-like' than in the first level. Since the auditorium is smaller, there is a lot more room for dialogue between the teacher and the students and for the prepared interventions of both parties.
– the diversity of the learning situations and teaching strategies: courses are sometimes devoted to the reading of a major traditional text, sometimes to in-depth topical issues; the seminars promote active research and dialogue and the oral presentation by the students of the results of their research.
– interdisciplinarity : the student may choose 15 course credits from another discipline. This possibility is all the more valuable when one considers that UCL is a complete university. This choice must be made in discussion with the dissertation supervisor and be linked to the topic of the dissertation.


Retour en début de pageEvaluation

In the courses and even more so in the seminars in the second level in philosophy, students are very often assessed through individual work. The relatively small group sizes means professors can provide follow-up supervision of this work and formative evaluation.


- Students can stay abroad for one semester as part of an Erasmus exchange.
- The option 'sciences, technologies, sociétés' helps the student follow, at another university in the ESST (European Science, Society,Technology) network - Strasbourg or Lund university, in the first semester of the second year of the master, courses equivalent to 30 credits. Moreover, this option welcomes students from other ESST network universities for the second semester of the second year of the master.
- All students can benefit from the international aspects of the programme: teacher exchanges, annual attribution of part of a course to a foreign professor as part of the Chaire Mercier, development of courses given jointly by UCL and KULeuven professors, teacher and student exchanges as part of Erasmus mundus, Erasmus or Mercator.
- The professional focus grants students very fruitful exchanges with other students, EU nationals or otherwise, enrolled on the master 'Europhilosophe' (Cf http://www.europhilosophie.eu/mundus). This European master in philosophy is only on the UCL programme in Belgium.
- All students can replace one course from their programme with a course of the same level from the HIW or KULeuven master course.


Core courses

Core courses
1.Students who choose the research or teaching focus can spread their courses out in one of the following ways :

First possibility. During the first year, he chooses 40 credits from the shared subjects of the core courses and in the second year, he chooses five credits from the shared subjects which were not chosen before, a focus (30 credits) and completes his dissertation (25 credits).
Second possibility. During the first year, he chooses 45 credits from the shared subjects of the core courses. The course which incorporates the Chaire Mercier must be chosen by students on master 1 or 2.
2. Students admitted to the master Europhilosophie (Cf enrolment conditions at http://www.europhilosophie.eu/) who take the professional focus in German and French Philosophy select, if they are staying at UCL for one term, 30 credits from the courses on the europhilosophie site (www.europhilosophie.eu/mundus/article.php3?id_article=62). Students spending a year at UCL choose 35 credits from the courses on the europhilosophie site (www.europhilosophie.eu/mundus/article.php3?id_article=62) and 20 dissertation credits.


Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryMatières communes
Les étudiants inscrits à la finalité approfondie ou à la finalité didactique choisiront 45 crédits dont minimum 40 crédits en première année. Les étudiants inscrits à la finalité spécialisée choisiront parmi les cours autorisés 30 crédits si l'étudiant reste un quadrimestre à l'UCL ou 35 crédits si l'étudiant reste une année à l'UCL

MandatoryMétaphysique et histoire de la philosophie
Minimum 10 crédits
Optional FILO2140

Textual interpretation: St. Thomas   (in French) Jean-Michel Counet, Pierre Destrée, Pierre Destrée (supplée Jean-Michel Counet)30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2250

Advanced Studies in Metaphysics   (in French) Olivier Depré, Gilbert Gérard, Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FILO2370

Advanced Studies in Natural Theology   (in French) Olivier Depré, Nathalie Frogneux, Raphaël Gély30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2130

Philosophy of Religion  (in French) Gilbert Gérard, Jean Leclercq, Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 2q xx

MandatoryAnthropologie philosophique
Minimum 10 crédits
Optional FILO2180

Advanced Studies in Philosophical Anthropology   (in French) Michel Dupuis, Nathalie Frogneux, Raphaël Gély30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FILO2310

Advanced studies in Cultural Anthropology   (in French) Nathalie Frogneux30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2290

Philosophy of History   (in French) Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2280

Philosophy of Art   (in French) Danielle Lories30h 5credits 1q xx

MandatoryPhilosophie pratique
Minimum 10 crédits
Optional FILO2190

Advanced Studies in Moral Philosophy   (in French) Walter Lesch30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FILO2360

Advanced Topics in Political Philosophy  (in French) Axel Gosseries, Hervé Pourtois, Philippe Van Parijs30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FILO2200

Fundamentals of Biomedical Ethics   (in French) Mylene Botbol, Michel Dupuis30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FILO2003

Ethics in the Sciences and technics   (in French) Philippe Baret, Bernard Feltz (coord.), Thierry Hance15h + 15h 5credits 2q xx

MandatoryPhilosophie des sciences et théorie de la connaissance
Minimum 10 crédits
Optional FILO2230

Advanced Studies in Philosophy of Nature   (in French) Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional FILO2170

Advanced Studies in Epistemology   (in French) Bernard Feltz, Mark Hunyadi-Buzas30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FILO2600

Advanced Studies in the Philosophy of Social Sciences   (in French) Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2210

Formalized logic   (in French) Marcel Crabbé30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2240

Advanced Studies in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences   (in French) Bernard Feltz, Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2q xx

Les étudiants inscrits à la finalité approfondie ou à la finalité didactique choisiront FILO 2960 et FILO 2005. Les étudiants inscrits à la finalité spécialisée choisiront FILO 2009.
Optional FILO2960

Dissertation seminar  (in French) N. 5credits  x 
Optional FILO2005

Dissertation  (in French) N. 25credits   x
Optional FILO2009

Dissertation  (in French) N. 20credits  xx

The student chooses one of the following focuses: 

Research focus [30.0]

MandatoryUne filière (30 crédits) parmi

OptionalA. Orientations fondamentales (30credits)

Mandatory4 séminaires (20 crédits) parmi:
Optional FILO2900

Seminar on ancient philosophy   (in French) Gilbert Gérard, Jean Leclercq30h 5credits 1q  x
Mandatory FILO2910

Seminar on philosophical anthropology   (in French) Michel Dupuis, Nathalie Frogneux, Raphaël Gély30h 5credits 1q  x
Optional FILO2920

Seminar on social and political philosophy   (in French) Mark Hunyadi-Buzas, Walter Lesch30h 5credits 2q  x
Optional FILO2930

Seminar on Philosophy of Natural Sciences   (in French) Bernard Feltz, Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2q  x
Optional FILO2940

Seminar on philosophy of the social sciences   (in French) Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 1q  x
Optional FILO2950

seminar on philosophical aesthetics   (in French) Danielle Lories30h 5credits 1q  x
Optional FILO2970

Seminarium : Ethics in Science-Society Relations  (in French) Bernard Feltz, Stéphane Leyens (supplée Bernard Feltz)30h 5credits 2q  x

MandatoryMatières communes (10credits)
2 cours parmi les matières communes du tronc commun

OptionalB. Esthétique et philosophie de l'art (30credits)

MandatorySéminaires d'approfondissement (15credits)
Mandatory FILO2950

seminar on philosophical aesthetics   (in French) Danielle Lories30h 5credits 1q  x

ULB: FILO 070 Séminaire de philosophie de l'art et de la littérature (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

ULG: AOB 12 Séminaire d'ontologie et d'esthétique (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

MandatoryCours au choix parmi les cours suivants (avec l'approbation du responsable UCL de la collaboration interuniversitaire)
L'étudiant choisira 15 crédits parmi les cours suivants.

Optional FILO2280

Philosophy of Art   (in French) Danielle Lories30h 5credits 1q  x
Optional ARKM2410

Art theory  (in French) N.15h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional ARKM2760

Special problems of modern art  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 1q  x
Optional ARKM2770

Special problems of contemporary art  (in French) Alexander Streitberger15h 5credits 2q  x
Optional ARKM2370

Art and new media  (in French) Alexander Streitberger15h 5credits 1q  x
Optional MUSI2450

Art and Music  (in French) Brigitte Van Wymeersch15h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional MUSI2871

Aesthetic and philosophy of music  (in French) Brigitte Van Wymeersch15h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional FILO2800

Formation à la communication scientifique  (in French) N. 2credits   x


ARTC-B-401 Les arts du spectacle. Introduction à la critique (3 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

ARTC-B-502 Sémiologie du spectacle vivant (3 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

ARTC-B-503 Etude de questions de sémiologie de l'image (2 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

ARTC-B-452 Esthétique et philosophie du cinéma et des arts du spectacle (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

ARTC-B-404 Lecture philosophique de textes théâtraux (3 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

HAAR-B-553 Méthodologie de l'interprétation des oeuvres d'art (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

LANG-B-440 Théories et pratiques de la rhétorique (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

LANG-B-435 Théorie poétique (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

HAAR-B-597: Esthétique musicale (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

SOCA-D-405: Sociologie de l'art (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x


PHIL 0211-1 Séminaire d'ontologie (10 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

PHIL 0206-1 Philosophies de la renaissance (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

CINE 0010-1 Littérature et cinéma (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

CINE 0020-1 Théorie des arts visuels (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

HAAR 0113-1 Architecture et sculpture du XIVe-XVIe siècle (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

HAAR0112-1 Peinture du XIVe au XVIe siècle (5 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

OptionalC. Sciences, technologies, sociétés (30credits)
Cette filière peut être suivie soit dans le cadre du réseau ESST-European "Science, Society, Technology" (un quadrimestre dans une des universités partenaire)soit entièrement à l'UCL.

Optional1. Formule ESST (European 'Science, Society,Technology') avec un partenaire européen (30credits)

Séjour dans une des université du réseau ESST  (in French) N. 30credits   x

Optional2. Formule UCL (30credits)

MandatoryCours au choix parmi (25credits)
Avec l'accord de la faculté, certains cours peuvent également être empruntés à des masters organisés par d'autres institutions de l'Académie Louvain.
Optional FILO2230

Advanced Studies in Philosophy of Nature   (in French) Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional BIR1305

Introduction to systems analysis  (in French) Philippe Baret (coord.), Emmanuel Hanert10h + 20h 3credits 1q  x
Optional FSA2245

Environment and Enterprise  (in French) Thierry Bréchet30h 3credits 1q  x
Optional THEO1312

Ethics - Society - Religion  (in French) Walter Lesch45h 4credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional THEO2261

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions I  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional THEO2262

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions II  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional PHY2153

Introduction à la physique du système climatique et à sa modélisation  (in French) Hugues Goosse, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou30h + 15h 5credits 2q  x

FUNDP M101: Sciences-éthique et développement (3 crédits)  (in French) N.    x

FUNDP M203: Philosophie des sciences du vivant (2 crédits)
Ce cours débutera en 2008-2009  (in French)
N.    x
Optional FILO2800

Formation à la communication scientifique  (in French) N. 2credits  xx

MandatoryCours obligatoire (5credits)
Mandatory FILO2970

Seminarium : Ethics in Science-Society Relations  (in French) Bernard Feltz, Stéphane Leyens (supplée Bernard Feltz)30h 5credits 2q  x

OptionalD. Philosophie des sciences (30credits)

Mandatory3 séminaires parmi les suivants, un séminaire dans chaque université (15credits)

Optional FILO2930

Seminar on Philosophy of Natural Sciences   (in French) Bernard Feltz, Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2q  x
Optional FILO2940

Seminar on philosophy of the social sciences   (in French) Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 1q  x
Optional FILO2970

Seminarium : Ethics in Science-Society Relations  (in French) Bernard Feltz, Stéphane Leyens (supplée Bernard Feltz)30h 5credits 2q  x


ULBPHIL-B-406 Questions de théorie de la connaissance (5 crédits) - I. Stengers  (in French) N.    x

ULBPHIL-B-505 Séminaire de philosophie des sciences et des techniques (5 crédits) - G. Hottois  (in French) N.    x


ULGPHIL 0075-1 Séminaire de philosophie des sciences (5 crédits) - L. Bouquiaux, V.Despret  (in French) N.    x

ULGPHIL0067-1 Philosophie de la physique (5 crédits) - J. Perdang  (in French) N. 5credits   x

ULG PHIL0068-1 Philosophie de la biologie (5 crédits) - J.-M. Bouquegneau  (in French) N.    x

Mandatorydes cours parmi les suivants: (15credits)
Optional FILO2240

Advanced Studies in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences   (in French) Bernard Feltz, Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2q  x
Optional FILO2600

Advanced Studies in the Philosophy of Social Sciences   (in French) Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Marc Maesschalck30h 5credits 2q  x
Optional SC2002

Elements of mathematics and physics history  (in French) Patricia De Grave30h 5credits 1q  x
Optional SC2220

Philosophy of science  (in French) Michel Ghins30h 5credits 2q  x

ULB PHIL-B-408 Questions de logique (5 crédits) - M. Peeters  (in French) N. 5credits   x

ULB PHIL-B-503 Séminaire de philosophie des pratiques de connaissances (5 crédits) - I. Stengers  (in French) N.    x

ULB PHIL-B-412: Histoire et philosophie des sciences et des techniques bio-médicales (5 crédits)- J.-N. Missa  (in French) N.    x

ULB-PHYS-F-500: Histoire des sciences (orientation sciences physiques et mathématiques)(4 crédits)- P. Marage  (in French) N.    x

ULB-PHIL-F-500: Questions de philosophie des sciences (4 crédits) - I. Stengers  (in French) N.    x

ULG PHILOO66-1 Philosophie des mathématiques(5 crédits) - G. Hansoul  (in French) N.    x

ULG PHIL0072-1 Questions approfondies d'épistémologie (5 crédits) - B. Leclercq  (in French) N.    x

ULG PSYC1108-1 Questions approfondies de psychologie cognitive (5 crédits) - S. Brédart  (in French) N.    x
Optional FILO2800

Formation à la communication scientifique  (in French) N. 2credits   x

Teaching Focus [30.0]

MandatoryCours obligatoires (28 crédits)
Mandatory AGRE2020

To understand the adolescent in school situation, to manage the interpersonal relationship and to animate the class group  (in French) Bernard Demuysere, Christian Lannoye, Marie-Christine Liesse, Pierre Meurens, Pascale Steyns, Marie-Cécile Wagner (coord.), Anne d'Alcantara, Philippe van Meerbeeck22.5h + 22.5h 4credits   x
Mandatory AGRE2120

The school institution and its context  (in French) Etienne Bocquet (coord.), Dominique Grootaers, Christian Lannoye, Jacquy Masset22.5h + 25h 4credits   x
Mandatory AGRE2220

General didactics and education to interdisciplinarity  (in French) Ghislain Carlier, Jean-Louis Dufays, Philippe Parmentier, Marc Romainville, Bernadette Wiame (coord.)22.5h + 15h 3credits   x
Mandatory AGRE2400

See specifications in french  (in French) Michel Dupuis, Bernadette Wiame (coord.)20h 2credits   x
Mandatory FILO2311

Didactics of philosophy   (in French) Heinz Leonardy30h + 15h 4credits   x
Mandatory FILO2510

An epistemological approach to philosophy from reflection on the contents of programs   (in French) Heinz Leonardy30h 3credits   x
Mandatory FILO9001

Observation and teaching practice : Philosophy  (in French) N. 5credits   x
Mandatory FILO2520

Training in communication of scientific knowledge and mastery of oral and written expression(philosophy)   (in French) Heinz Leonardy15h + 15h 3credits   x

MandatoryCours au choix (2 crédits)
A choisir parmi les suivants:
Optional AGRE2310

Micro-teaching exercises  (in French) Marie-Cécile Wagner15h 2credits   x
Optional AGRE2221

Learning and teaching with new technologies  (in French) Marcel Lebrun15h + 15h 2credits   x

Professional Focus [30.0]

Optional courses [15.0]
The optional courses help the student gain more in-depth knowledge of philosophy, acquire knowledge of disciplines connected to his specialisation, acquire teaching skills to help in teaching philosophy or, for students who are not bachelors in philosophy, to complete their basic training in philosophy.
At the end of the two years of the master, the student chooses 15 credits from the following list of courses:



Mandatory15 crédits parmi les cours suivants:

OptionalCours d'approfondissement en philosophie
Un cours au choix parmi les cours du tronc commun

OptionalCours de spécialisation et d'ouverture interdisciplinaire

OptionalPhilosophie pratique
Optional DROP2153

Philosophy of law  (in French) Jacques Lenoble30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional ESPO1321

Economic, Political and Social Ethics  (in French) Philippe Van Parijs (coord.)20h + 10h 3credits 1q xx
Optional THEO2311

Ethics of life  (in French) Henri Wattiaux30h 4credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional ECON2061

Philosophy and epistemology of the economics  (in French) Christian Arnsperger30h 5credits  xx
Optional SOC2045

Sociology of Economic Practices  (in French) Christian Arnsperger, Thomas Périlleux30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ECON2340

Economy and society  (in French) Christian Arnsperger, Isabelle Ferreras30h 5credits  xx
Optional FOPM2000

Ethique de l'éducation et de la formation  (in French) Franco Cortesi, Hervé Pourtois30h 4credits  xx

OptionalArts et esthétique
Optional ARKM2340

Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art (Advanced Course)  (in French) Danielle Lories15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional ARKM2760

Special problems of modern art  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional MUSI2871

Aesthetic and philosophy of music  (in French) Brigitte Van Wymeersch15h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx

OptionalAnthropologie, cultures et sociétés
Optional ANTR2020

Symbolic systems anthropology : cosmology and environment  (in French) Olivier Servais30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ANTR2100

Basics of anthropology  (in French) Pierre-Joseph Laurent30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ANTR2110

The history and theories of anthropology  (in French) Robert Deliège30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional SOC2020

Sociologie of Culture and Intercultural Dynamics  (in French) Marie Verhoeven30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional SOC2065

Anthropology of politics and religion: power and beliefs  (in French) Pierre-Joseph Laurent30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ANTR2040

Anthropology of mobility and sedentarisation  (in French) Alain Reyniers30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional SOC2010

Regulation, Norms and Modernities  (in French) Jean De Munck30h 5credits 1q xx

OptionalAnthropologie, identité et intersubjectivité
Optional SOC2035

Sociology of Education and Training  (in French) Christian Maroy30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional SEXM2165

Approches philosophique et éthique du couple, de la famille et de la sexualité  (in French) Nathalie Frogneux, Henri Wattiaux60h 8credits  xx
Optional SOC2005

Identity, Gender and Sexuality  (in French) Jacques Marquet30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FOPM2000

Ethique de l'éducation et de la formation  (in French) Franco Cortesi, Hervé Pourtois30h 4credits  xx

Optional THEO2621

History of theology in the Middel Ages. Specific questions  (in French) Jean-Michel Counet30h 3credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2534

Culture and Civilization of Islam and the Arab World II  (in French) Godefroid De Callatay30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2942

Questions of Indian and Far Eastern Philosophy and Spirituality  (in French) N.30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FLTR2150

History of Humanism   (in French) Agnes Guiderdoni (coord.), Aline Smeesters22.5h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2817

History of Asian philosophies and religions (China, Korea, Japan)  (in French) N.30h 4credits 1+2qCourses not taught this academic year xx
Optional PSY1402

Psychology of religion  (in French) Vassilis Saroglou30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FILO2300

Interpretation of Arabic Philosophical Texts   (in French) Jean-Michel Counet30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx

OptionalPhilosophie des sciences
Optional SC2220

Philosophy of science  (in French) Michel Ghins30h 2credits 2q xx
Optional SC2002

Elements of mathematics and physics history  (in French) Patricia De Grave30h 4credits 1q xx

FUNDP M202: Philosophie des sciences de la matière (2 crédits)  (in French) N.   xx

FUNDP M201: Philosophie des mathématiques (2 crédits)  (in French) N.   xx

FUNDP M204: Questions approfondies de philosophie des sciences  (in French) N.   xx