Advanced Master in European Law [60.0]

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

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MandatoryTronc commun du Master complémentaire en droit européen (60credits)

MandatoryCours obligatoires du tronc commun (30credits)
L'étudiant est tenu de choisir 30 crédits parmi les cours suivants :
Optional DREU2201

European litigation  (in French) Melchior Wathelet30h 5credits 1q x
Optional DREU2202

European Policies  (in French) Stéphanie Francq30h 5credits 1q x
Optional DREU2203

International relations Law of the EU  (in French) Eleftheria Neframi30h 5credits 1q x
Optional DREU2205

Status of persons in the European Union  (in French) Jean-Yves Carlier30h 5credits 1q x
Optional DREU2206

Free movement of goods, services and capital in the European Union  (in French) Marc Fallon30h 5credits 1q x
Optional DREU2208

Droit européen de la concurrence  (in French) Paul Nihoul30h 5credits 1q x
Optional DREU2207

European Competition Law  (in French) Paul Nihoul30h 5credits 1q x

MandatoryCours du tronc commun au choix (15credits)
L'étudiant est tenu de choisir 15 crédits de cours au choix parmi les cours suivants ou une des options suivantes :
Optional DROP2013

European and comparative law of torts  (in French) Michaël Faure, Denis Philippe30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2051

Comparative European Contract Law  (in French) Denis Philippe, Patrick Wéry30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2081

European and International Tax Law  (in French) Edoardo Traversa, Melchior Wathelet30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2122

European criminal law  (in French) Marie-Aude Beernaert30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2143

European and international social law  (in French) Pascale Vielle30h 5credits 2q x


OptionalOption : Commerce international (15credits)
Mandatory DROP2041

International Business Agreements  (in English) Denis Philippe30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2042

International economic law  (in French) Philippe Coppens30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2043

Alternative Methods of Settlement of Commercial Disputes  (in French) Bernard Hanotiau30h 5credits 2q x

OptionalOption : Droits de l'Homme (15credits)
Mandatory DROP2091

International Protection of Human Rights  (in English) Olivier De Schutter30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2092

Law and migrations  (in French) Jean-Yves Carlier30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2093

Leading cases of the European Court of Human Rights  (in English) Johan Callewaert30h 5credits 2q x

OptionalOption : Droits intellectuels (15credits)
Mandatory DROP2101

Economic Aspects of Intellectual Property  (in French) Nicolas Brahy, Yann Menière30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2102

In-depth study of questions on intellectual property rights  (in French) Bernard Remiche30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2103

Law on intellectual property contr  (in French) Fernand De Visscher, Bernard Remiche30h 5credits 2q x

OptionalOption : Droit international public (15credits)
Mandatory DROP2161

Questions d'actualité en droit international public  (in French) Philippe Couvreur, Joe Verhoeven30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2162

Droit international humanitaire  (in French) Jérôme De Hemptinne, Jean d'Aspremont Lynden30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2163

Règlement des litiges internationaux  (in French) Philippe Gautier30h 5credits 2q x

OptionalOption: Droit international privé (15credits)
Mandatory DROP2172

Droit international privé et droits fondamentaux  (in French) Marc Fallon, Sylvie Sarolea30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2171

Droit judiciaire européen  (in French) Stéphanie Francq30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2173

Droit international privé (questions d'actualité)  (in French) Stéphanie Francq, Jean-Louis Van Boxstael30h 5credits 2q x

OptionalOption: Law of International Globalization (15credits)
Mandatory DROP2181

World Trade Organization Law  (in English) Colin Brown, Isabelle Van Damme30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2182

International Organizations and World Governance  (in English) Frédéric Dopagne, Philippe Gautier30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2183

International Protection of the Environment  (in English) Philippe Gautier, Nicolas de Sadeleer30h 5credits 2q x

MandatoryTravail de fin d'études du Master complémentaire en droit européen (15credits)
Mandatory MCEU2305

Private international law - Actual issues  (in French) Gilles De Kerchove, Denis Martin15h 5credits  x
Mandatory MCEU2200

Travail de fin d'études du Master complémentaire en droit européen  (in French) N. 10credits  x
| 27/05/2009 |