Practical informations

Enrolling on the approfondissement
    1. Enrolling on the approfondissement and checks on the enrollment form . Enrolment is done at the Faculty according to the procedures laid down by the faculty office at the beginning of the third year of the Bachelor in Bioengineering.
    2. Changes to the enrollment form for the approfondissement

Course times

Signing up for elective courses  

  1. Information on the blocks of restrictive courses
  2. Signing up for elective program activities 

Registration form for approfondissement activities

  1. Information on entry requirements
  2. Signing up for approfondissement activities

Available support

Organization of exams

  1. Registering for exams
  2. Consulting exam times

    Useful contacts

    Enrolling for the elective

    1. Enrolling on the elective
    2. Changes to the elective enrollment form
    | 22/07/2009 |