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Additionnal module in Agronomy [30.0]

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The option course in this module enables students enrolled on the third year programme of the Bachelor in Bioengineering, to gain an introduction, using skills and knowledge already acquired, to the field of agronomy.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

This option course is only open to students enrolled in the third year programme of the Bachelor in Bioengineering.

Detailed programme
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatorySciences et ingénierie de la matière et des procédés
Mandatory CHM1321A

Chimie analytique 1  (in French) Christine Dupont, Yann Garcia30h 3credits 1q  x

MandatorySciences de la vie
Mandatory BIR1324

Animal physiology  (in French) Cathy Debier, Isabelle Donnay37.5h + 7.5h 3credits 2q  x
Mandatory BIR1325

Physiologie du développement et systématique des plantes d'intérêt agronomique  (in French) Frédéric Janssens, Stanley Lutts (coord.)30h + 7.5h 3credits 2q  x

MandatoryScience du globe et des écosystèmes
Mandatory BIR1335

Field excursions in pedology, agricultural ecology and forestry  (in French) Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey, Joseph Dufey (coord.), Joseph Dufey (supplée Bruno Delvaux), Richard Lambert, Caroline Vincke30h 3credits 1+2q  x
Mandatory BIR1336

Sciences du sol  (in French) Thomas Delfosse (supplée Bruno Delvaux), Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey (coord.)30h + 30h 5credits 2q  x
Mandatory BIR1337

Bioclimatologie et écologie appliquée  (in French) Cathy Debier, Thierry Fichefet, Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.), Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou45h + 15h 4credits 1q  x

MandatorySciences humaines
Mandatory BIR1342

Agricultural economics  (in French) Bruno Henry de Frahan30h + 15h 4credits 1q  x

Cours au choix
L'étudiant est invité à choisir parmi tous les cours de l'UCL un ou plusieurs cours pour un minimum de 5 crédits.  (in French)
N. 5credits   x

Masters accessible at the end of the programme
Havinf taken this option course, students may gain direct access to the Master in Agricultural Bioengineering. Subject to slight adjustments in the programme of a maximum of 7 credits (approved by the Academic Secretary), students may join the programme of the Master in Environmental Bioengineering.

Useful contacts

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Responsable académique

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Secrétariat facultaire SAGR
Croix du sud 2, bte1
tél :010/47.37.19 – fax : 010/47.47.45

Practical informations
Enrolling on the approfondissement
    1. Enrolling on the approfondissement and checks on the enrollment form . Enrolment is done at the Faculty according to the procedures laid down by the faculty office at the beginning of the third year of the Bachelor in Bioengineering.
    2. Changes to the enrollment form for the approfondissement

Course times

Signing up for elective courses  

  1. Information on the blocks of restrictive courses
  2. Signing up for elective program activities 

Registration form for approfondissement activities

  1. Information on entry requirements
  2. Signing up for approfondissement activities

Available support

Organization of exams

  1. Registering for exams
  2. Consulting exam times

    Useful contacts

    Enrolling for the elective

    1. Enrolling on the elective
    2. Changes to the elective enrollment form