Core courses

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

The core courses contain a dissertation (18 credits), Seminar on Economical and Managerial actuality (3 credits), one course of Social Responsability (4 credits) to be chosen in a list and one optional activity (5 credits)consisting to a stage or an optional course.
Mandatory LSMD2901

Mémoire-projet ou mémoire de recherche (Sciences de gestion)  (in French) N. 18credits   x
Mandatory LSMS2094

Seminar on Economical and Managerial actuality  (in French) André de Béthune30h 3credits 1+2q  x

MandatoryResponsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise (4credits)
one course between :
Optional LSMS2098

Corporate Social Responsability  (in French) Yves De Cordt, Jan Noterdaeme, Valérie Swaen30h 4credits   x
Optional LSMS2099

Corporate Social Responsability  (in English) Jan Noterdaeme, Valérie Swaen30h 4credits   x
Optional THEO2261

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions I  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional THEO2262

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions II  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryOptional activities (5credits)
Stage (vivement recommandé) ou un cours à choisir parmi les cours des options, à définir avec le responsable de programme
Optional LSMD2902

Stage (Sciences de gestion)  (in French) N. 5credits   x

Cours au choix
parmi les cours des options à définir avec le responsable du programme  (in French)
N.    x
| 21/01/2009 |