Detailed programme

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryMandatory courses (50credits)
Mandatory DREU2203

International relations Law of the EU  (in French) Pierre d'Argent30h 5credits 1q x
Mandatory DROP2111

Advanced study of Public International Law  (in French) Philippe Couvreur, Joe Verhoeven30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory DROP2112

Private international law and fundamental rights  (in French) Marc Fallon, Sylvie Sarolea30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory MCEU2301

Law of International Organizations  (in French) Frédéric Dopagne, Philippe Gautier30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory MCEU2302

World Trade Organization Law  (in French) Pierre d'Argent30h 5credits  x
Mandatory MCEU2303

Settlement of International disputes   (in French) Philippe Gautier30h 5credits  x
Mandatory MCEU2304

International civil litigation  (in French) Stéphanie Francq30h 5credits  x

MandatoryMémoire (15credits)
Mandatory MCEU2306

Directed seminar of international law  (in French) Philippe Gautier, Sylvie Sarolea45h 13credits  x
Mandatory MCEU2307

Conferences on current topics  (in French) Paul Nihoul15h 2credits  x

MandatoryOptional courses (10credits)
Les étudiants choisissent deux cours parmi les cours suivants. S'ils ont suivi des cours portant sur les mêmes matières que les cours du tronc commun, ils doivent substituer ces cours par d'autres énoncés ci-dessous :
Optional DROP2041

International Business Agreements  (in English) Denis Philippe30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2043

Alternative Methods of Settlement of Commercial Disputes  (in French) Bernard Hanotiau30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2091

International Protection of Human Rights  (in English) Olivier De Schutter30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2092

Law and migrations  (in French) Jean-Yves Carlier30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2113

International Humanitarian Law  (in French) Jérôme De Hemptinne, Jean d'Aspremont Lynden30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2123

International criminal law  (in French) Maria Luisa Cesoni, Damien Vandermeersch30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DROP2143

European and international social law  (in French) Pascale Vielle30h 5credits 2q x
Optional DRHO3402

Dimensions collectives des droits de l'homme  (in French) N.30h 4credits  x
| 21/01/2009 |