Legend |
![](ucl/doc/ucl/images/icones/obligatoire.gif) | Mandatory | ![](ucl/doc/ucl/images/icones/optionnel.gif) | Optional | ![](ucl/doc/ucl/images/icones/cours_non_dispense.gif) | Courses not taught this academic year | ![](ucl/doc/ucl/images/icones/cours_cyclique_non_dispense.gif) | Periodic courses not taught this academic year | ![](ucl/doc/ucl/images/icones/cours_cyclique_dispense.gif) | Periodic courses taught this academic year | ![](ucl/doc/ucl/images/icones/cours_de_2_ans.gif) | Two year courses |
Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) |
Three special subjects are proposed. The student shall choose the core courses in reltion with his choice of special subject. |
Tronc commun de la filière de base (relative aux options 1C, 2C, 3C et 4C)
| Integrated exercises in applied chemistry and bioindustries
(in French)
| Stephan Declerck, Eric Gaigneaux, Patrick Gerin (coord.), Michel Ghislain, Michèle Mestdagh | 45h + 0h | 4credits | 2q | x | |
| Process engineering : unit operations
(in French)
| Marc Meurens, Patricio Ruiz Barrientos (coord.) | 45h + 15h | 6credits | 2q | x | |
| Master thesis
(in French)
| N. | | 27credits | | | x |
| Seminars accompanying the dissertation
(in French)
| Sonia Collin, Yves Dufrêne, Françoise Foury, Eric Gaigneaux, Patrick Gerin, Jacques Mahillon (coord.) | 30h | 3credits | 1+2q | | x |
| Project in industrial chemistry
(in French)
| Patrick Gerin | 52.5h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
| Reactor Design
(in English)
| Juray De Wilde | 30h + 30h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
| Chemometrics
(in French)
| Bernadette Govaerts, Maria Key Prato (supplée Bernadette Govaerts) | 22.5h + 15h | 3credits | 1q | | x |
Religious sciences : one course to choose between the 3 following courses
Les étudiants de 2ème master qui ont anticipé ce cours en 2007-2008 en sont dispensé. |
| Questions of religious sciences: biblical readings
(in French)
| Bernard Van Meenen | 15h | 2credits | 1q | | x |
| Questions of religious sciences: reflections about christian faith
(in French)
| José Reding | 15h | 2credits | 2q | | x |
| Questions of religious sciences: questions about ethics
(in French)
| Henri Wattiaux | 15h | 2credits | 1q | | x |
Cours au choix libre pour 5 crédits minimum en 2ème année de master.
Tronc commun de la filière AGI ( relative à l'option 10 c en Analyse et Gestion de l'Information en ingénierie biologique)
En 2008-2009, les étudiants suivront le cours MAT1375 à la place du cours BIRA2101. |
| Integrated exercises in applied chemistry and bioindustries
(in French)
| Stephan Declerck, Eric Gaigneaux, Patrick Gerin (coord.), Michel Ghislain, Michèle Mestdagh | 45h + 0h | 4credits | 2q | x | |
| Process engineering : unit operations
(in French)
| Marc Meurens, Patricio Ruiz Barrientos (coord.) | 45h + 15h | 6credits | 2q | x | |
| Biometry : analysis of the variance
(in French)
| N. | 30h + 15h | 4credits | 2q | x | |
| Master thesis
(in French)
| N. | | 27credits | | | x |
| Seminars accompanying the dissertation
(in French)
| Sonia Collin, Yves Dufrêne, Françoise Foury, Eric Gaigneaux, Patrick Gerin, Jacques Mahillon (coord.) | 30h | 3credits | 1+2q | | x |
| Project in industrial chemistry
(in French)
| Patrick Gerin | 52.5h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
| Process modelling and forescasting systems
(in French)
| Emmanuel Hanert | 30h + 15h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
Religious sciences : one course to choose between the 3 following courses
Les étudiants de 2ème master qui ont anticipé ce cours en 2007-2008 en sont dispensé. |
| Questions of religious sciences: biblical readings
(in French)
| Bernard Van Meenen | 15h | 2credits | 1q | | x |
| Questions of religious sciences: reflections about christian faith
(in French)
| José Reding | 15h | 2credits | 2q | | x |
| Questions of religious sciences: questions about ethics
(in French)
| Henri Wattiaux | 15h | 2credits | 1q | | x |
| Cours au choix libre Les volumes de cours au choix libre peuvent être répartis sur les deux années du master.
(in French)
| N. | | 1credit | | x | |
| Cours au choix libre
(in French)
| N. | | 3credits | | | x |
Tronc commun de la filière brasserie (relative à l'option 12c en Brasserie)
| Training in brewing sciences and research
(in French)
| Sonia Collin | 60h | 6credits | 2q | x | |
| Chemometrics
(in French)
| Bernadette Govaerts, Maria Key Prato (supplée Bernadette Govaerts) | 22.5h + 15h | 3credits | 1q | x | |
En fonction de leur université d'origine, les étudiants suivront une des deux activités suivantes:
Le cours ANGL2480 est réservé aux étudiants de l'Université de Lorraine. Les étudiants de l'UCL suivront un cours de Questions de sciences religieuses dans la liste proposée. |
| English Communication Skills for Bioengineers
(in English)
| Ahmed Adrioueche, Isabelle Druant, Annick Sonck (coord.) | 30h | 2credits | 2q | x | |
Un cours au choix parmi les trois suivants: |
| Questions of religious sciences: biblical readings
(in French)
| Bernard Van Meenen | 15h | 2credits | 1q | x | |
| Questions of religious sciences: reflections about christian faith
(in French)
| José Reding | 15h | 2credits | 2q | x | |
| Questions of religious sciences: questions about ethics
(in French)
| Henri Wattiaux | 15h | 2credits | 1q | x | |
Cours suivis à l'Université de Lorraine pour 19 crédits en 2ème année du master.
| Gestion de la production, supervision
(in French)
| N. | | 4credits | | | x |
| Conception et amélioration des lignes de conditionnement
(in French)
| N. | | 4credits | | | x |
| Résolution de problèmes industriels
(in French)
| N. | | 4credits | | | x |
| Technologie de l'emballage et du conditionnement
(in French)
| N. | | 4credits | | | x |
| Management-Communications
(in French)
| N. | | 3credits | | | x |
| Anglais renforcé
(in French)
| N. | | 3credits | | | x |
| Stage-mémoire en brasserie
(in French)
| N. | | 27credits | | | x |
Cours au choix libre en 2ème année du master pour 3 crédits minimum