The programme is designed to provide students with second cycle interdisciplinary training on issues related to the couple, the family and sexuality.
Firmly thematic in character, this two year training programme builds on previous first or second cycle studies done at a university or elsewhere in social science, history, psychology, philosophy, law, medical or paramedical science or other subjects. It is also designed for bachelors who are social assistants, nurses and teachers : in all cases it provides students with a rigorous and interdisciplinary training in current issues relating to couples, families and sexuality. Students who hold either a bachelor degree or a Belgian ‘licence’ degree will find that this programme builds on their earlier studies.
The programme introduces students to theoretical foundations and the methodology of interdisciplinary approaches to issues relating to families, couples and sexuality : the basic concepts and their history are taught during the first year. In the second year, the programme aims to enable students to attend specialized courses in one or other of the disciplines (sociology, psychology, anthropology, sexology, history, medicine, philosophy) or subject areas (families, couples, sexuality). A final dissertation provides the opportunity for advanced study of an issue through the production of an academic text.
The programme is spread over two years of study. It is made up partly of core subjects : all the first year courses (60 credits), the work placement and the dissertation (30 credits)and partly of 4 special subjects worth 15 credits each. Students must choose one of these together with an optional subject from the other special subjects for a total of 15 credits.
To gain approval of their individual programmes, as well as agreement to replace courses which have already been studied, students must see the Academic Secretary.
Whatever focuses and option courses are chosen, the programme for this Master must come to a minimum of 120 credits spread over two years of study. This corresponds to 60 credits per year.
Advanced Masters :
Doctoral programmes : currently doctorate in Psychology and Education. Discussions under way with the Faculty of Economics and Political Science.