In addition to the core subjects, students must choose between the professional focus and the research focus. If they opt for the research focus, they will have a choice of two option courses ; if they opt for the research focus, they will have a choice of three option courses, one of which comprises four special subjects (one must be chosen). Finally, there is a group of optional subjects.
Whatever focuses and option courses are chosen, the programme for this Master must come to a minimum of 120 credits spread over two years of study. This corresponds to 60 credits per year.
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Core courses
Options and optional courses
- The student registered to the research focus chooses one of thefollowing two options
- The student registered to the professional focus chooses one of the following three options
- Optional courses
- Optional courses
Psychosocial Well-being at Work
Early intervention for people with learning difficulties or at risk (under construction)