Latin [15.0]

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryCore courses (75credits)

MandatoryMémoire et accompagnement (30credits)
Mandatory ROM2891

Dissertation (Part 1)  (in French) N. 3credits  
Mandatory ROM2892

Dissertation (Part 2)  (in French) N. 25credits  
Mandatory ROM2507

Writing a scientific text in French   (in French) Catherine Deschepper (supplée Francine Thyrion), Francine Thyrion7.5h + 7.5h 2credits 1q 

MandatoryFormation de base (30credits)

Mandatory1. Littérature comparée (5credits)
Mandatory FLTR2510

Grands courants des littératures européennes  (in French) Jean-Claude Polet22.5h 5credits 1q 

Mandatory2. Littérature française (5 ou 10 crédits)
Un ou deux cours au choix
Optional ROM2221

Issues in medieval literary history   (in French) Mattia Cavagna, Colette Storms22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2222

Reading medieval texts : François Villon  (in French) Tania Van Hemelryck (coord.)22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2223

Survey of Medieval Texts : Middle French  (in French) N.22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2710

Literary aesthetics   (in French) Pierre Piret22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2720

Discourse of a literary work and its historical context   (in French) Agnes Guiderdoni22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2730

Analysis of literary Representation  (in French) Myriam Delmotte22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2740

Literature and social contexts   (in French) Jean-Louis Tilleuil22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2760

Issues in fiction I: theory   (in French) Vincent Engel22.5h 5credits 1q 

Mandatory3. Linguistique française (5 ou 10 crédits)
Un ou deux cours au choix
Optional ROM2151

Syntax and Discourse   (in French) Anne-Catherine Simon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2171

Specific questions in lexicology  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2180

Geolinguistic varieties of French   (in French) Philippe Hambye22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2200

History of the French language  (in French) N.22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2640

Linguistic policies   (in French) N.22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 

Mandatory4. Littératures méridionales (5 ou 10 crédits)
Un ou deux cours au choix en fonction de langue suivie dans le programme de bachelier

Optionala) Espagnol
Optional ROM2841

Explications de textes en espagnol  (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2842

Questions générales d'histoire de la littérature espagnole  (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2843

Specific questions on Spanish linguistics   (in Spanish) Maria Isabel Gomez Diez30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2844

Theory and analysis of Spanish-American literary texts   (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2517

Seminar: Spanish Linguistics II   (in Spanish) N.15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 

Optionalb) Italien
Optional ROM2851

Italian theatre  (in Italian) N.15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2852

Libretti and italian opera : literary production for mixed performances  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2853

La produzione letteraria e il cinema in Italia - La production littéraire et le cinéma italiens  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2854

Italian poetry, form and signification  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2857

Pragmatico- linguistic analysis of Italian literary texts  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 

Mandatory5. Séminaire (5 ou 10 crédits)
Un ou deux séminaire(s) au choix
Optional ROM2155

Seminar : linguistics   (in French) N.15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2225

Seminar: medieval literature   (in French) N.15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2317

Seminar on research methodology for French as a foreign or second language   (in French) Luc Collès15h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2318

Seminar on the research methodology of French as a first language   (in French) Jean-Louis Dufays15h 5credits  
Optional ROM2515

Seminar: Spanish Literature II   (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2715

Seminar: literary aesthetics   (in French) Pierre Piret15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2725

Seminar: discourse of a literary work and its historical work   (in French) N.15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2735

Seminar: literary analysis   (in French) Myriam Delmotte15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2745

Seminar: literature and social contexts   (in French) Jean-Louis Tilleuil15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2755

Seminar: comparative literature   (in French) Jean-Claude Polet15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2765

Seminar: literary creation   (in French) Vincent Engel15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2856

Seminar : rewriting between literature and performance  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 

MandatoryModule disciplinaire (15credits)
Un module au choix

OptionalLittérature française (15credits)
Trois cours au choix
Optional ROM2221

Issues in medieval literary history   (in French) Mattia Cavagna, Colette Storms22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2222

Reading medieval texts : François Villon  (in French) Tania Van Hemelryck (coord.)22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2223

Survey of Medieval Texts : Middle French  (in French) N.22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2224

Medieval texts and manuscripts: a critical approach   (in French) Tania Van Hemelryck22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2710

Literary aesthetics   (in French) Pierre Piret22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2720

Discourse of a literary work and its historical context   (in French) Agnes Guiderdoni22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2730

Analysis of literary Representation  (in French) Myriam Delmotte22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2740

Literature and social contexts   (in French) Jean-Louis Tilleuil22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2750

Contemporary literature and images   (in French) Jean-Louis Tilleuil15h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2760

Issues in fiction I: theory   (in French) Vincent Engel22.5h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2790

Belgian literature in the French language: indepth questions   (in French) Pierre Piret15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional THEA2241

Etude du théâtre français I  (in French) Pierre Piret30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional THEA2242

Etude du théâtre français II  (in French) Pierre Piret30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 

OptionalLinguistique française (15credits)
Trois cours au choix
Optional ROM2151

Syntax and Discourse   (in French) Anne-Catherine Simon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2171

Specific questions in lexicology  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2180

Geolinguistic varieties of French   (in French) Philippe Hambye22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2200

History of the French language  (in French) N.22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2470

Regional languages and literature written in the Walloon dialect(s)   (in French) Jean Germain22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2481

Onomastic Walloon and French (toponymy and anthroponomy)   (in French) Jean Germain22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2640

Linguistic policies   (in French) N.22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2650

Training in the teaching of French as a mother tongue, second or foreign language   (in French) Silvia Lucchini15h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2660

Oral business communication strategies in French   (in French) Emmanuelle Rassart22.5h + 22.5h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional CLIG2160

Sociolinguistics  (in French) Michel Francard, Philippe Hambye (supplée Michel Francard)15h 5credits 1q 
Optional CLIG2250

Methods of corpus linguistics  (in French) Cédrick Fairon, Anne-Catherine Simon30h + 10h 5credits 1q 

OptionalLangues et littératures méridionales (15credits)
Trois cours au choix en fonction de la langue suivie dans le programme de bachelier

Optionala) Espagnol
Optional ROM2514

Research seminar: specialised questions in Spanish literature   (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2841

Explications de textes en espagnol  (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2842

Questions générales d'histoire de la littérature espagnole  (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2843

Specific questions on Spanish linguistics   (in Spanish) Maria Isabel Gomez Diez30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2844

Theory and analysis of Spanish-American literary texts   (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 

Optionalb) Italien
Optional ROM2851

Italian theatre  (in Italian) N.15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2852

Libretti and italian opera : literary production for mixed performances  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2853

La produzione letteraria e il cinema in Italia - La production littéraire et le cinéma italiens  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2854

Italian poetry, form and signification  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2857

Pragmatico- linguistic analysis of Italian literary texts  (in Italian) Costantino Maeder15h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 

MandatoryOne focus among the following focuses : (30credits)

OptionalResearch Focus (30credits)

MandatoryTrois séminaires au choix (15credits)
Optional ROM2983

Participation in a conference or placement in a research laboratory I  (in French) N. 5credits  
Optional ROM2984

Participation in a conference or placement in a research laboratory II  (in French) N. 5credits  
Optional ROM2156

Séminaire de recherche : linguistique  (in French) Philippe Hambye15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2226

Séminaire de recherche : littérature médiévale  (in French) Tania Van Hemelryck15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2514

Research seminar: specialised questions in Spanish literature   (in Spanish) Geneviève Fabry15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2716

Séminaire de recherche : esthétique littéraire  (in French) Pierre Piret15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2726

Séminaire de recherche : discours de l'oeuvre et discours du temps  (in French) Agnes Guiderdoni15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2736

Séminaire de recherche : analyse littéraire  (in French) Myriam Delmotte15h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2746

Séminaire de recherche : littérature et contextes sociaux  (in French) Jean-Louis Tilleuil15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2756

Séminaire de recherche : littérature comparée  (in French) Jean-Claude Polet15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2766

Séminaire de recherche : création littéraire  (in French) Vincent Engel15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2855

Research seminar : performance, fil, theatre and narrativity  (in Italian) Gian paolo Giudicetti15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year 

MandatoryCours au choix (15credits)
A choisir prioritairement parmi les cours non encore suivis du master en langues et littératures françaises et romanes, ou parmi ceux d'un autre master de l'UCL ou d'une autre université en accord avec le promoteur du mémoire et le responsable du programme. Si certains cours sont également offerts dans une finalité spécialisée de ce master, le recouvrement ne pourra pas excéder 6 crédits.

OptionalTeaching Focus (30credits)

MandatoryA. Stages en milieu scolaire (6credits)
Mandatory ROM9011

Observation and teaching practice in French and Romance languages and literature (parts A and B)   (in French) N.50h 6credits  

MandatoryB. Cours et séminaires disciplinaires (11credits)

MandatoryDidactique de la discipline
Mandatory ROM2950

Didactics and practice of spoken French as the mother tongue   (in French) Jean-Louis Dufays45h + 30h 7credits 1q 

MandatoryRéfléchir sur les pratiques d'enseignement et leur contexte
Mandatory ROM2920

Theory and analysis of methods of teaching French   (in French) Luc Collès, Jean-Louis Dufays15h + 15h 4credits 2q 

MandatoryC. Cours et séminaires transversaux (13credits)
Mandatory AGRE2020

To understand the adolescent in school situation, to manage the interpersonal relationship and to animate the class group  (in French) Bernard Demuysere, Christian Lannoye, Marie-Christine Liesse, Pierre Meurens, Pascale Steyns, Marie-Cécile Wagner (coord.), Anne d'Alcantara, Philippe van Meerbeeck22.5h + 22.5h 4credits  
Mandatory AGRE2120

The school institution and its context  (in French) Etienne Bocquet (coord.), Dominique Grootaers, Christian Lannoye, Jacquy Masset22.5h + 25h 4credits  
Mandatory AGRE2220

General didactics and education to interdisciplinarity  (in French) Ghislain Carlier, Jean-Louis Dufays, Philippe Parmentier, Marc Romainville, Bernadette Wiame (coord.)22.5h + 15h 3credits  
Mandatory AGRE2400

See specifications in french  (in French) Michel Dupuis, Bernadette Wiame (coord.)20h 2credits  

OptionalProfessional Focus in Library Studies (30credits)

MandatoryFormation de base (15credits)
Si ces cours ont déjà été suivis dans le cadre d'un premier cycle, ils devront être remplacés, en accord avec le responsable de programme, et ne pourront pas faire l'objet de dispenses.

MandatoryUn cours au choix
Optional ECGE1213

Marketing  (in French) Isabelle Schuiling30h + 15h 5credits 1q 
Optional ECGE1321

Human Management  (in French) Nathalie Delobbe30h + 15h 5credits 2q 
Mandatory FLTR1291

Computer Applications in the Humanities  (in French) Michel Dorban, Cédrick Fairon15h + 15h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory ECGE1113

Accounting I  (in French) Karine Cerrada Cristia, Yves De Rongé, Michel De Wolf (coord.), Michel Gatz45h + 15h 5credits  

MandatoryActivités spécifiques à la section (15credits)

OptionalSection Edition
Mandatory CLIB2001

Publishing and publishing techniques  (in French) Olivier Comanne15h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory FLTR9000

Stage en maison d'édition  (in French) N. 10credits  

OptionalSection Librairie
Mandatory CLIB2002

Techniques of bookshop management  (in French) Philippe Goffe15h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory FLTR9001

Stage en librairie  (in French) N. 10credits  

OptionalSection Bibliothéconomie
Mandatory CLIB2110

Library economics and notions of bibliometrics  (in French) Michel Dorban37.5h 5credits 1+2q 
Mandatory FLTR9002

Stage dans une bibliothèque UCL  (in French) N. 5credits  
Mandatory FLTR9022

Stage dans un centre de documentation ou une bibliothèque hors UCL  (in French) N. 5credits  

OptionalProfessional Focus in Natural Language Processing (30credits)

MandatoryInformatique (15credits)
L'étudiant choisit un des deux modules suivants en accord avec le responsable de la finalité. L'étudiant prouvant des compétences informatiques au moins équivalentes à celles visées par la mineure en sciences informatiques se verra proposer un aménagement particulier du programme.

OptionalModule A (15credits)
Mandatory SINF1160A

Introduction à l'algorithmique et programmation, partie 1A  (in French) N.30h + 30h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory SINF1161A

Introduction à l'algorithmique et programmation, partie 2A  (in French) N.30h + 30h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory FLTR2630

Introduction to automatic text processing  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q 

OptionalModule B (15credits)
Mandatory ECGE1215

Information Technology in Economics and Management  (in French) Jean Vanderdonckt30h + 20h 5credits 2q 
Mandatory SINF1124

Programming project
( )  (in French)
Marco Saerens0h + 60h 5credits 2q 
Mandatory FLTR2630

Introduction to automatic text processing  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q 

MandatoryTraitement automatique du langage (15credits)
Mandatory FLTR2620

Natural language processing  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory CLIG2220

Overview of applications in NLP  (in French) Cédrick Fairon15h 5credits 1+2q 
Mandatory CLIG2260

Introduction to speech processing  (in French) Thierry Dutoit22.5h 5credits  

OptionalOptions or optional courses (15credits)

OptionalDisciplinary Options (15credits)
15 credits to choose among the following subjects

OptionalLinguistics, internal analysis (15credits)
15 credits among
Optional ROM2151

Syntax and Discourse   (in French) Anne-Catherine Simon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2171

Specific questions in lexicology  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional FLTR2270

General linguistics : semantics  (in French) Elisabeth Degand22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional CLIG2210

Phonology and Prosody   (in French) Anne-Catherine Simon30h 5credits 1q 

OptionalLinguistics, external approaches (15credits)
Mandatory ROM2180

Geolinguistic varieties of French   (in French) Philippe Hambye22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Mandatory ROM2640

Linguistic policies   (in French) N.22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Mandatory CLIG2160

Sociolinguistics  (in French) Michel Francard, Philippe Hambye (supplée Michel Francard)15h 5credits 1q 

OptionalLinguistics and french teaching (15credits)
Mandatory ROM2463

French for specific purposes   (in French) Luc Collès, Luc Collès (supplée Francine Thyrion), Francine Thyrion22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Mandatory ROM2610

Analysis of linguistic phenomena and the teaching of French   (in French) Philippe Hambye22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Mandatory ROM2650

Training in the teaching of French as a mother tongue, second or foreign language   (in French) Silvia Lucchini15h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

OptionalItalian (15credits)
15 credits among :
Optional ROM2945

Didactics of Spanish or Italian   (in French) Geneviève Fabry, Silvia Lucchini15h + 15h 5credits  
Optional ITAL1500

Italian advanced level   (in Italian) Laura Scarpa90h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional KUL2854

Letteratura italiana : poesia (KUL F0VA2A)  (in French) N. 5credits  
Optional KUL2856

Narrativa italiana  (in French) N. 5credits  

OptionalSpanish (15credits)
15 credits among
Optional ROM2945

Didactics of Spanish or Italian   (in French) Geneviève Fabry, Silvia Lucchini15h + 15h 5credits  
Optional ESPA2601

Séminaire d'insertion professionnelle: espagnol  (in Spanish) Paula Lorente Fernandez (coord.)30h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional HIST2640

History of Latin America  (in French) Pedro Milos15h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional DVLP2630

Socio-economic analysis of Latin America  (in French) Raul Gonzalez Meyer, Isabel Yépez Del Castillo30h 5credits  
Optional DVLP2631

Socio-political analysis of Latin America  (in French) Isabel Yépez Del Castillo30h 5credits  

OptionalLiterature (15credits)
15 credits among
Optional GLOR2390

Typology and permanence of mythical imagineries  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional FLTR2280

History of book and reading  (in French) Michel Lisse22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional FLTR2290

Art and Literature  (in French) Ralph Dekoninck, Myriam Delmotte15h 5credits 2q 
Optional THEA2270

History of dramatic production  (in French) Bernard Faivre30h 5credits 1q 
Optional ARKM2370

Art and new media  (in French) Alexander Streitberger15h 5credits 1q 

OptionalLatin (15credits)
15 credits among
Optional GLOR2431

Latin Authors : Late Antiquity  (in French) Paul Deproost45h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR2432

Thorough Study of Latin authors  (in French) Paul Deproost45h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR2501

Latin Authors : Middle Age and Renaissance  (in French) Paul Deproost30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR2502

History of Medieval Latin literature  (in French) Paul Deproost30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR2503

Vulgar and Medieval Latin Linguistics  (in French) Lambert Isebaert30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 

OptionalOptions added to a focus (15credits)

OptionalOption linked to the teaching focus (15credits)
15 crédits à choisir dans la liste ci-dessous ou parmi d'autres cours à orientation didactique du programme

Optionala. Didactique des langues romanes
Optional ROM9021

Observation and teaching practice in French and Romance languages and literature : analysis and preparation   (in French) N. 5credits  
Optional ROM2317

Seminar on research methodology for French as a foreign or second language   (in French) Luc Collès15h 5credits 1q 
Optional ROM2318

Seminar on the research methodology of French as a first language   (in French) Jean-Louis Dufays15h 5credits  
Optional ROM2910

Teaching French to a young immigrant population   (in French) Luc Collès, Silvia Lucchini22.5h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ROM2945

Didactics of Spanish or Italian   (in French) Geneviève Fabry, Silvia Lucchini15h + 15h 5credits  

Optionalb. Didactique générale
Optional FLTR2640

Multimédia et enseignement des langues  (in French) Alain Meurant15h + 15h 5credits  
Optional COMU2606

ntercultural communication  (in French) Alain Reyniers30h 5credits  

Optionalc. Didactique d'une autre discipline
Prérequis : avoir suivi la mineure de la discipline correspondante
Optional GERM2521

German as a foreign language methodology  (in German) Henri Bouillon (coord.), Caroline Klein15h + 35h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional GERM2522

English as a foreign language (DFL) methodology  (in English) Brigitte Loosen, Fanny Meunier (coord.)15h + 35h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional GERM2523

Dutch as a foreign language methodology  (in Dutch) Hilde Bosmans, Pierre Godin (coord.)15h + 35h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional FILO2311

Didactics of philosophy   (in French) Heinz Leonardy30h + 15h 5credits  
Optional GLOR2540B

Didactics of Ancient Languages  (in French) Alain Meurant45h 5credits  
Optional ARKE2910B

Didactics of Art History and Aesthetics  (in French) Marie-Emilie Ricker45h 5credits  

OptionalOption linked to the professional focus in library studies (15credits)
Mandatory CLIB2120

Issues in the Sociology of books, including books for children  (in French) Jacques Carion, Jean-Louis Tilleuil30h 5credits 1q 
Mandatory CLIB2140

Books and graphic design  (in French) Jacques Carion15h 5credits 2q 

Mandatoryone course among : (5credits)
Optional CLIB2000

Studying in a professional context   (in French) Olivier Comanne15h + 15h 5credits 1q 
Optional FLTR2280

History of book and reading  (in French) Michel Lisse22.5h 5credits 2q 

OptionalOption linked to the professional focus in Natural Language Processing (15credits)

Il est recommandé aux étudiants n'ayant pas suivi de formation équivalente de prendre deux des cours suivants :
Optional INGE1322

Computer science: Analysis and Design of Information Systems  (in French) N.30h + 15h 5credits  
Optional INGI1271

Files and databases
( )  (in French)
Alain Pirotte30h + 30h 5credits 2q 
Optional LING2030

Ingénierie des systèmes d'information (FUNDP - DTIC323)  (in French) N. 5credits  

OptionalPriority courses
Les cours suivants sont également jugés prioritaires pour les étudiants n'ayant pas suivi de formation équivalente :
Optional CLIG2240

Statistics for Linguistics  (in French) Cédrick Fairon30h + 15h 5credits 2q 
Optional FLTR2270

General linguistics : semantics  (in French) Elisabeth Degand22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2171

Specific questions in lexicology  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q 
Optional ROM2151

Syntax and Discourse   (in French) Anne-Catherine Simon22.5h 5credits 2q 

OptionalOptional activities
Optional SINF1124

Programming project
( )  (in French)
Marco Saerens0h + 60h 5credits 2q 
Optional SINF1121

Algorithmics and data structures
(Prérequis : SINF 1161A)  (in French)
Pierre Dupont30h + 30h 5credits 1q 
Optional SINF1252

Introduction to computer systems
(Prérequis : SINF 1161A)  (in French)
Marc Lobelle30h + 30h 5credits 2q 
Optional SINF2356

Human computer interaction  (in French) Jean Vanderdonckt45h 5credits 2q 
Optional STAT2350

Data Mining  (in French) Libei Chen15h + 15h 5credits 2q 
Optional CLIG2140

Computational Linguistics Seminar  (in French) Cédrick Fairon30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GERM2825

English Linguistics : Corpus Linguistics  (in English) Sylviane Granger15h 5credits 1+2q 
Optional LING2031

Introduction aux méthodes et concepts essentiels d'ingénierie linguistique (FUNDP - INFO2327)  (in French) N. 5credits  
Optional LING2001

Text based information retrieval (KUL - H02C8A)  (in French) N.28h 5credits  
Optional LING2002

Natural language Processing (KUL - H0C28A)  (in French) N.32.5h 5credits  
Optional LING2003

Linguistic theories and artificial intelligence (KUL - H0D36A)  (in French) N.32.5h 5credits  
Optional LING2018

Language Engineering Applications (KUL - H0J65A)  (in French) N. 5credits  
Optional LING2019

Foundations of Formal Theories of language (KUL - W098)  (in French) N. 5credits  

OptionalOptional courses (15credits)
15 crédits de cours à choisir dans les programmes de la Faculté ou de l'Université, en accord avec le responsable du programme et le promoteur du mémoire. L'étudiant s'assurera auprès du titulaire du ou des cours choisi(s) qu'il est autorisé à suivre ce(s) cours. Si certains cours sont également offerts dans une finalité spécialisée, le recouvrement ne pourra pas excéder 6 crédits.
| 23/02/2009 |