Optional courses for the students in master in electrical engineering [0.0]

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

En fonction des options choisies, l'étudiant complète, si nécessaire, son programme par des cours au choix pour atteindre 60 crédits pour l'ensemble des "options et cours au choix" :
Optional FSA2351A

Dynamique des groupes (1er semestre)  (in French) Piotr Sobieski (coord.)15h + 30h 3credits 1q xx
Optional FSA2351B

Dynamique des groupes (2ème semestre)  (in French) Piotr Sobieski (coord.)15h + 30h 3credits 2q xx

OptionalAdvanced courses
Students should note that any course appearing in the options of their Master’s, but not selected as such, remains a possible elective.

OptionalGeneral knowledge courses
Students can also include in their curriculum any course given at UCL or FIW / KULeuven subject to approval of the Diploma committee.

OptionalShort term exchanges
Students may include in their curriculum any BEST or ATHENS subject to approval by the Diploma committee. These courses are worth 2 credits

Students may include in their electives any language course of the Institute of Modern Languages (ILV) for a maximum of 3 credits within the 120 basic credits of their Master?s. Their attention is drawn to the following professional insertion seminars:
Optional NEER2500

Seminar of professional integration: Dutch - intermediate level  (in Dutch) Isabelle Demeulenaere (coord.), An Neven, Mariken Smit30h 3credits  xx
Optional NEER2501

Seminar of professional integration: Dutch - intermediate level  (in Dutch) An Neven30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional NEER2600

Seminar of professional integration: Dutch - upper-intermiediate level  (in Dutch) Isabelle Demeulenaere30h 3credits  xx
Optional NEER2601

Séminaire d'insertion professionnelle: néerlandais - niveau approfondi  (in Dutch) Isabelle Demeulenaere (coord.)30h 5credits  xx
Optional ALLE2500

German - Seminar of professional integration, intermediate level  (in German) Virginie Godin, Caroline Klein (coord.), Ann Rinder30h 3credits 1+2q xx
Optional ALLE2501

German - Seminar of professional integration, intermediate level  (in German) Virginie Godin, Caroline Klein (coord.), Ann Rinder30h 5credits 1+2q xx
Optional ESPA2600

Séminaire d'insertion professionnelle - espagnol  (in Spanish) Isabel Baeza Varela30h 3credits 1q xx
Optional ESPA2601

Séminaire d'insertion professionnelle: espagnol  (in Spanish) Paula Lorente Fernandez (coord.)30h 5credits 1+2q xx

A list of interesting humanities courses is avaibles at the secretariat of the diploma committee. Students may choose a maximum of 6 credits. This possibility is however not offerred to students who have choose to specialize in Management or Company launching.

OptionalCompany training periods
Students may include in their curriculum a company training period worth 10 credits. However, if this activity is related to their final thesis, they shall choose the 5-credit FSA 2996 course.
Optional FSA2995

Stage en entreprise  (in French) N. 10credits  xx
Optional FSA2996

Stage en entreprise  (in French) N. 5credits  xx
| 31/01/2009 |