The challenge that faces students in physical education in their future careers is to formulate an expert response to the huge needs of our society as far as physical movement is concerned. The objective of the training in physical education is therefore to become a professional in movement.
Physical education professionals maximize the movement potential of human beings to benefit their health. To do this they must fully understand the characteristics of movement and its effects and use them in education. They know their target audiences in terms of age and their motor, physiological, psychological or sociological features. They can organize, communicate and use their skills and knowledge appropriately. They are anxious to assess their practices and update them.
In the context of this one year study programme, students do not have the opportunity to specialize by taking optional subjects and focuses such as those available in the 120 credit Master programme.
Centred on physical and sports activities adapted for different groups, the practical training comprises physical and sports activities adapted for different age groups and training for sedentary adults. Students can also do advanced training in three sports of their choice (athletic training, team games, acrobatic sports, swimming, dance and expression).
- the teaching takes different forms : lectures, practical courses in small groups, individual work and projects, placements;
- training in biomedical science : sports pathology, prevention of illness through physical and sports activities;
- training for research which, irrespective of the specialization that students choose, develops their skills in investigating a new subject in a scientific way and interpreting the results in scientific literature ;
- a dissertation which gives students experience of a specialized field, either through bibliographic research or experimental work in or outside the laboratory as a result of close collaboration and a privileged learning relationship with their supervisor ;
- training in human sciences : history, ethics, sports psychology.
In the context of this one year study programme, students do not have the opportunity to specialize by taking optional subjects and focuses such as those available in the 120 credit Master programme. They will not be awarded a teaching qualification and will not be able to teach.
120 credit Masters The 60 credit Master in Motor Skills : Physical Education gives access to the 120 credit Master in Motor Skills : Physical Education which enables students to specialize by doing one of the focuses as well as one of the option courses available.
Links with the higher secondary education teaching qualification (l’agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur - AESS) There is a teaching focus in the 120 credit Master in Motor Skills : Physical Education.