Master in Law (shift schedule) [120.0]
Study objectives
The programme of the Master en droit à horaire décalé aims to help people already working to acquire the precise legal knowledge attested to by the award of a university degree leading to the same legal professions as the Master en droit (day classes).
This master is professional training par excellence.
As such, it is unique in the Belgian French community and allows students who have taken the Baccalauréat en droit à horaire décalé at the FUSL to perfect their training..
After three years' baccalauréat,the Master en droit programme has the dual objective of adding to the student's general training with training in key subjects (core courses) and helping him to specialise in subjects more specifically related to his future professional practice (focus and optional courses). The specialisation arises from the student choosing freely between the coherent sets of subjects.
The balance between general and specialised training should help the student acquire legal skills of a highly technical nature backed up by critical and analytical skills.
General presentation of the programme
In line with the decree, the Master en droit à horaire décalé amounts to a minimum of 120 credits, spread out over two years of study, each corresponding to 60 credits.
For the student, the programme is made up of four broad, coherent sections: core courses (53 credits), a dissertation (and accompanying seminar : 17 credits), a focus (30 credits) and optional courses (20 credits).
Due to the cost of the programme and the availability of the teachers, the Master en droit à horaire décalé is divided into biennial teaching modules (module A and module B). Students in Master 1 and Master 2 take the organised module during the academic year in which they are enrolled.
The first module consists of four core courses and three focus courses.
The second module consists of the three other core courses and the three other focus courses. Added to this is an optional course.
In addition to the module (A or B, depending on the academic year in which he is enrolled), the Master 1 student undertakes practical work, an option totalling 15 credits (or three optional courses) and a seminar accompanying the dissertation.
In addition to the module (A or B, depending on the academic year in which he is enrolled), the Master 2 student undertakes practical work and writes a dissertation.
Consult the composition of the modules.
Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall total 120 credits, spread over two years of study, each of 60 credits
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits Core courses Professional Focus Options
Positioning of the programme
Accessible advanced masters : all (in development)
Accessible doctoral training : all (in development)