Research Focus [30.0]

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory CRIM2501

In-Depth psycho-analytical Perspectives in criminology : Epistemology, Theory and Criminological Studies  (in French) Antoine Masson30h 6credits   x
Mandatory CRIM2502

Louvanist and Post-Louvanist Perspectives : Epistemology, Theory and criminological Studies  (in French) Christophe Adam30h 6credits   x
Mandatory CRIM2503

Foucaldian and post-Foucaldians' Perspectives : Epistemology, Theory and Criminological Studies  (in French) Fabienne Brion, Véronique Voruz30h 6credits 2q  x
Mandatory CRIM2504

Marxist and post-Marxist Perspectives : Epistemology, Theory and criminological Studies  (in French) Marie-Sophie Devresse30h 6credits 1+2q  x

MandatoryCours au choix (6credits)
Un cours parmi :
Optional CRIM2505

Researchs in Criminal Politics : Methods, Practices and Stakes.  (in French) Maria Luisa Cesoni30h 6credits 2q  x
Optional CRIM2506

Researchs in Criminal Psychopathology : Methodes, Practices, Stakes  (in French) Jean Kinable30h 6credits   x
| 27/01/2009 |