Master in Criminology [120.0]
Study objectives
The goal of the master is to offer the students the theoretical and methodological resources to understand criminality and penalty and, more generally, deviance and social control.
The professional focus master aims to help students specialise in intervention in order to be able to teach in sectors aiding and protecting young people, the police, executing penalties and criminal measures, legal aid and dealing with delinquency.
The research focus master aims to train students in careers in research and analysis in the fields of psychological or sociological criminology and criminal policy.
Skills developed :
• Deeper understanding and critical analysis of criminality and penalty, deviance and social control, and the scientific work devoted to these phenomena;
• Conducting interviews ; intervening in situations of conflict and crisis, reflecting on intervention practices
• Wording of research questions; building up research tools; carrying out empirical research; thinking about research practices.
Knowledge to acquire :
• Major theories in psychological and sociological criminology from the crime to the administration of criminal justice;
• Intervention and research methodology ;
• Legal matters in relation to criminality and penalty.
General presentation of the programme
Programme content
The programme of the Master en criminologie is built around core courses mainly taught in the first year, on the basis of which students are invited to take the research or professional focus in the second year, as described above, for a total of 120 credits.
The core courses amount to 90 credits, spread over two academic years as follows: the end of study dissertation and its accompanying seminar for 17 credits and a languages module for 8 credits spread over the two academic years, whilst the four 'disciplinary' modules of 12 to 14 credits ('méthodologique', 'juridique', 'sociologique' and 'psychologique') are taught in the first year and the professional internship and its accompanying seminar for 15 credits are in the programme for the second year.
Each of the two focuses – research, professional – number 30 credits, which are added to these core courses, spread over 5 courses of 6 credits which are also taught in the second year of the master.
Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall total 120 credits, spread over two years of study each of 60 credits
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits Core courses One focus from the following :
Positioning of the programme
Accessible advanced masters : not applicable
Accessible doctoral training : doctoral training in criminology