Finalité spécialisée: éthique biomédicale et bioéthique [30.0]
The Professional focus in Biomedical Ethics and Bioethics aims to train students to critically analyse problems linked to contemporary medical practice, in industrialised and developing countries. This critical analysis takes into account objective situational data and the regulatory systems framing decisions as well as ideological, cultural and historical information.
This analysis aims to impart
- a firm grasp of the theories, concepts and methods behind contemporary biomedical ethics,
- an ability to use these models and methods to describe situations and make a sound argument on how to solve the problems in question,
- personal knowledge of the 'areas' where these questions arise (laboratories, care institutions, etc.).
Legend |  | Mandatory |  | Optional |  | Courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses taught this academic year |  | Two year courses |
| Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) | | |
30 crédits dont 5 crédits à choisir dans le master en santé publique: | DROP2131
| Medical and Biomedical Law
(in French)
| Geneviève Schamps | 30h | 5credits | 2q | x | x | EBIM2100
| Advanced questions in bioethics : Principles and methods
(in French)
| Mylene Botbol, Michel Dupuis, Luc Roegiers | 30h | 5credits | | x | x | EBIM2200
| Questions approfondies de bioéthique (B)
(in French)
| Mylene Botbol, Michel Dupuis, Luc Roegiers | 30h | 5credits | | x | x | MEDI2221
| Formation à la relation et aux enjeux sociaux et éthiques de la santé et de la médecine (2e partie) et médecine légale
(in French)
| Cécile Bolly, Frédéric Bonbled, Mylene Botbol, Dominique Charlier, Marie-Christine Closon, William D'Hoore, Alain Deccache, Vincent Dubois, Michel Dupuis, Denis HERS, Jean Laperche, Dominique Lison, Luc Michel, Didier Moulin (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux, Christine Reynaert, Luc Roegiers, Geneviève Schamps, Christian Swine, Michel Vanhalewyn, Anne Wintgens, Nicolas Zdanowicz, Emmanuel de Becker, Philippe de Timary | 48h | 5credits | | x | x | EBIM2101
| Séminaire de bioéthique et d'éthique biomédicale
(in French)
| Mylene Botbol (coord.), Michel Dupuis, Luc Roegiers | 15h | 5credits | | x | x | EBIM2900
| Stage d'observation et rapport d'éthique clinique
(in French)
| N. | | 5credits | | x | x |
| Un cours au choix dans le master en santé publique (5 crédits)
(in French)
| N. | | | | x | x | |