Finalité spécialisée: éthique et politiques publiques [30.0]

The Professional focus in Public Ethics and Policies aims to help the students analyse the ethical issues arising from the elaboration and implementation of public policy. This analysis deals with the formal conditions governing democratic decision-making procedures as well as the principles of justice which lay down the focuses and which bind political means in different areas of social life.
This analysis requires
- a grasp of the concepts and methods of economic and social ethics as well as political philosophy,
- an ability to use these concepts and methods in a particular field of implementation of public policy and
- an ability to anticipate the empirical analysis of policies, their scope and the way they are established and implemented.
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryCours obligatoires (18credits)
Mandatory FILO2360

Questions approfondies de philosophie politique  (in French) Axel Gosseries, Hervé Pourtois, Philippe Van Parijs30h 5credits  xx
Mandatory ESPO2211

Integrated exercises of economic and social ethics  (in French) Christian Arnsperger, Philippe Van Parijs 0h + 30h 5credits  xx

B-KUL-WOFB8A Ethics and public policy  (in French) N. 8credits  xx

MandatoryCours au choix (12credits)
A choisir parmi les suivants:
Optional LSMS2099

Corporate Social Responsability  (in English) Jan Noterdaeme, Valérie Swaen30h 4credits  xx
Optional ECON2061

Philosophy and epistemology of the economics  (in French) Christian Arnsperger30h 4credits  xx
Optional THEO2261

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions I  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FOPM2000

Ethique de l'éducation et de la formation  (in French) Franco Cortesi, Hervé Pourtois30h 4credits  xx

B-KUL-WOFB6A Ethical Theories and Moral Life  (in French) N. 4credits  xx

B-KUL-WOFB7A Conflicting Traditions in Political Philosophy  (in French) N. 4credits  xx
Optional ESPO2212

Social responsability in Economic life  (in French) Axel Gosseries, Valérie Swaen15h 5credits  xx
Optional TRAV2250

Philosophy of work  (in French) Mark Hunyadi-Buzas30h 5credits  xx
| 15/12/2008 |