General presentation of the programme

The bachelor's programme of Philosophy consists of three years of studies corresponding to 180 credits structured around two complementary axes.

The first (the « major », 150 credits) is dedicated to courses in general culture, to various philosophical sciences (logic, metaphysics, ethics…), to the history of philosophy (from Antiquity to present) and to studying major, fundamental texts.

The second is dedicated to non philosophical domains, but ones philosophy cannot do without if it wants integrated reflection in the context of the sciences and the world today. Students in philosophy can thus specialize in another discipline (law, economics, mathematics...): what's called the « minor », involving 30 credits.

There is also a , for students holding a bachelor's degree in a discipline other than philosophy (minimum 1 year of 60 credits and a maximum of 108 credits).


Majeure (150 crédits) 
Matières philosophiques  
Première année:
Propédeutique philosophique I et II 
Logique I
Philosophie morale et droit naturel
Epistémologie I
Philosophie de l'art
Deuxième année:

Logique II
Philosophie sociale
Epistémologie II
Anthropologie philosophique
Philosophie de la nature
Histoire de la philosophie I - III
Troisième année:
Histoire de la philosophie IV-VI
Textes philosophiques I-V
Philosophie et interculturalité
Travail de fin de 1er cycle 
Autres matières  
Première année:
Formation générale : arts, lettres, histoire, linguistique
Langues I
Cours facultatifs
Deuxième année:
Langues II
Troisième année:
Sciences religieuses

| 20/07/2007 |