Seminar : Literary History

lrom2725  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

Seminar : Literary History
Note from June 29, 2020
Although we do not yet know how long the social distancing related to the Covid-19 pandemic will last, and regardless of the changes that had to be made in the evaluation of the June 2020 session in relation to what is provided for in this learning unit description, new learnig unit evaluation methods may still be adopted by the teachers; details of these methods have been - or will be - communicated to the students by the teachers, as soon as possible.
5 credits
15.0 h
Guiderdoni Agnès; Zanone Damien;
Literary history and previous knowledge of different ways to analyse literary texts.
Main themes
The seminars will focus on a specific issue. Depending on the issues addressed, texts will be selected from various periods of French literature.

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 It is thus presented as an introduction to personal research and preparation for the thesis in its various phases (analysis, problem setting, writing) from the point of view of literary history.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
In 2019-2020, the seminar is led by Professor Agnès Guiderdoni. This year, the seminar will be devoted to the notion of Baroque and will study its contemporary extensions, that is the neo-baroque. Based on a corpus of primary texts and secondary literature, we will question the development of the notion itself in the 20th century, its implicit foundations, the controversies it gave rise to, and the mutations it underwent in the forn of the neo-baroque.
Teaching methods
The seminar is led every other year by one of its two lecturers: in 2018-2019, by Professor Zanone and, in 2019-2020, by Professor Guiderdoni. Most of the sessions take place at the beginning of the term and, after an introduction to the subject, are designed to develop various concepts of problematisation. Students are then encouraged to work on their own; there are two sessions to oversee the progress and subsequent completion of this work.
Evaluation methods
Written essay to be prepared individually.
Other information
For any information, please contact by email Professor Agnès Guiderdoni
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language

Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General