Mons Days of Theoretical Computer Science
catholique de Louvain, Belgium
September 11th - 14th, 2012

and submission
We will select two kinds of papers:
- With the usual philosphy of the conference, young
researchers deserve special attention (Ph.D. students or Ph.D. obtained
less than one year ago) and we want to allow them to present their
first work;
- Usual submissions.
Authors are invited to submit
an extended abstract written in French or English. Submissions should not
exceed 6 pages plus the bibliography, and they should follow the
following latex template : JM12_LatexTemplate.tex. More details are given in the template itself. Papers should be submitted as a PDF file by e-mail before June 3rd (JM12@uclouvain.be). Please indicate if you are submitting a young researcher paper. After the conference, the contributions will be considered for
publication in a special issue of an international peer-reviewed
Authors that were accepted to give a presentation should prepare a 20 minutes talk after which 5 minutes will be dedicated to questions and answers.
Registration is done by sending an e-mail to JM12@uclouvain.be mentioning "registration to JM12" in the title and stating your name and institution. For registration before September 5th, fees amount to 45€,
including the banquet, and should be paid cash upon arrival at the
conference. After September 5th, fees will be 145€. Should you not attend the banquet for any reason, please
contact us directly.
A few student grants are available for PhD students and postdocs (that have graduated since less than 2 years) who request it. Please submit a cover letter by email therefore.
Deadline is now over for applying to student grants. Four student grants have been awarded.
If you need further information, please contact us: JM12@uclouvain.be.