ISAE - SUPAERO is specialized in the development of new statistical signal processing methodologies, with application to radar, navigation and remote sensing systems.

UCLouvain - Antenna Group
UCLouvain - Antenna Group is specialized in analysis and design of antenna arrays and in directionfinding and imaging systems, including ultralow power ultrawideband localization systems.
Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC)
ICE-CSIC is specialized in analysis and design of antenna arrays and in directionfinding and imaging systems, including ultralow power ultrawideband localization systems.

UCLouvain - GPRLouvain
UCLouvain - GPRLouvain is specialized in electromagnetic modelling and hydrogeophysics for non-destructive imaging as well as full-wave inversion of subsurface and material properties using ultra wideband ground-penetrating radar.

Université du Luxembourg - Geophysics & Remote Sensing Group
UL - GRS Group is specialized in data-driven wavefield extrapolation operators to redatum measured wavefields from acquisition surface to user selected locations where no transmitter or receiver was present.

TUDelft - Civil Engineering & Geosciences
TUDelft - Civil Engineering & Geosciences Group is specialized in climate and sea level variability and the use of new remote sensing applications, such as GNSS-R to obtain reliable geodetic measurements of environmental change.

Université du Luxembourg - Automation & Robotics Group
UL - ARG is specialized in nanosatellite systems, including fine dynamics of satellites. The group developed a software (COSMOS) analysing formation flight based on astrodynamics.

Syntony is specialized in GNSS softwaredefined- radios for robust positioning in constrained environment, low energy positioning, GNSS coverage extension and Test&Measurement equipment. Syntony has a track record in GNSS-R and in LEO PNT (Position- Nagivation tracking).

Université du Luxembourg - Space Systems Engineering Group
UL - SpaSys Group is specialized in Modeling, simulation and testing of CubeSat subsystems.

UCLouvain - RF SOI Group
UCLouvain - RF SOI Group is specialized in Space-hardened frontends: oscillators, phase-locked loops, LNA’s.

UCAM - Cavendish Radio Astronomy & Cosmology
UCAM - Cavendish Radio Astronomy & Cosmology Group is specialized in radio instrumentation for astronomical applications. This includes the development of ultralow noise, wideband antenna and array systems (e.g. for the SKA telescope project).
Polychord is specialized in the development of nextgeneration data technology, with ability to more fully explore a complex, challenging data field including new Bayesian methods and treatment of data from large arrays of sensors.

Hydroscan is a company offering integrated solutions for most sustainable and cost-effective water management, a pioneer in water modelling since 2003. They have an expertise on advanced modelling in a unique combination with smart, cloud technology-driven real-time alert systems.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
UPC is an associated partner of the project.