Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > Plate-forme SMCS

R object-oriented programming and package development

[7 hours] - [English]

You want to learn how to use object-oriented programming and package development as means to write, maintain and share more robust R code?

R is widely used to data analysis, statistical modelling and visualisation. R is also a fully fledged programming language. When writing a lot of code, it becomes essential to structure and formalise the code to keep track of it and reduce bugs that stem from increased complexity.

Training aims
At the end of this course, you will be familiar with classes, generic functions and methods, and will have written S4-object code in R. You will also know what an R object is composed of and will have developed one yourself. You will also learn about additional advanced topics and best practice related to package/software development.

A good knowledge of R and some active programming experience are required.


The course will have few presentations and will mostly consist of demonstrations and exercises.

This training course is recognized by the IABE, enabling participants to earn CPD points.
(Note that this is true for all SMCS courses.)
IABE logo

Methods and method families discussed
Software use
IT problems

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