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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 An Erasmus study period is strongly recommended for students doing a Master's in Multilingual Communication. The exchange must take place in the first term of the second year of the Master's degree.

As part of the general "course" exchange, students must complete 30 credits at another university in Belgium (KU Leuven) or abroad. Given the specific nature of the MULT programme, students will generally undertake between 15 and 20 course credits at the exchange university.
MULT students must complete a three-month, full-time internship at a company in Belgium or abroad (the language of the internship will be one of the two major languages studied). The internship should preferably take place in the second term of the second year of the Master's degree.
Students who select KU Leuven as their exchange university will choose six 5-credit courses listed in the "Bedrijfscommunicatie" (Business Communication) option, three of which will be approved in lieu of the three Dutch courses in the professional focus.

Belgian partnership :
- Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen;

International partnership :
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen;
- Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III (Sc. Hum, Lettres, Arts).

Practical information for departing FIAL students  : https://www.uclouvain.be/17371.html
For more information : Fabienne de Voghel

Practical information for arriving FIAL students : https://www.uclouvain.be/280048.html
For more information : Cathy Testelmans