[4 half days] - [starts on 06-03-2023 at 09:00] - [English] - [Louvain-la-Neuve]
Do you want to get started with reproducible data analysis with R, one of the most used software for the analysis of high throughput biology data?
R is a free and open-source software. It is one of the most widely used in the bio-medical research field, likely due to the availability of numerous R/Bioconductor packages specifically dedicated to high throughput data.
Training aims
The goal of this training is to initiate wet-lab scientists to reproducible data analysis with R and its RStudio integrated environment, focusing on data manipulation, data visualisation and basic data analysis.
This training doesn’t require any previous knowledge of R.
Participants must bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. They should have a few specific software packages installed:
Download R from the CRAN page: https://cloud.r-project.org/. At the top of that page, choose the Download R link corresponding to your operating system. If you use Windows, follow install R for the first time, then click the link to download R. The installation procedure is like any other software, and you can safely use all default options. If you use Mac (OS X), download the pkg installer that matches you OS version and install like any other software. Linux users are advised to use their package manager.
Download and install the Rstudio Desktop Open source edition: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download. Choose the installer for your operating system and version. Install as any other software.
For further installation instructions and technical assistance https://moodle.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=4862
Louvain-la-Neuve : Salle Océan (B002) - Find the location on Google Maps
Bâtiment de Serres, Croix du Sud, 2, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
The training is open to all but requires prior registration.
Time slots for training
06-03-2023 from 09:00 to 17:00
08-03-2023 from 09:00 to 17:00
UCLouvain member (with an internal account), Invoice paid by university, UCLouvain clinic member, UCLouvain student, Researcher, Non-UCLouvain member, Jobseeker : 150 euros per day for a total of 300 euros
Company : 300 euros per day for a total of 600 euros
For more information (open)
Tools used during training
Methods and method families discussed
Software use
Software use