[2 hours] - [starts on 01-03-2022 at 14:00] - [English] - [Louvain-la-Neuve]
You'd like to know more on research data management principles? Your are starting a new research project and want to know the data best practices of each research data cycle steps? You collect, manage, clean, store, publish, or share data, or plan to do it? You have sensistive data and want to handle them as good as possible? This training is for you.
This training concerns researchers and research support staff. It addresses each research project step (planning, gathering, management, analyze, storage, publishing, sharing) and provides advices and best practicies to handle data. It also gives an introduction to the data management plan.
Location [Salle informatique Fischer]: Bât. Kellner, local D.-179. Accès porte extérieure
Training aims
At the end of the training, you will know the guiding principles and best practices of research data management.
This training concern researchers and research support staff
Louvain-la-Neuve : -
Cette formation est accessible aux membres de l'institut ELI uniquement
Time slots for training
01-03-2022 from 14:00 to 16:00
, UCLouvain member, , : Training available free of charge but registration in advance is required.
: 100 euros per hour for a total of 200 euros