Aims to provide an analytical description of systems used in aircraft propulsion, to model their behaviour and to introduce students to performance evaluation and component dimensioning.

Main themes
- Basic principles of aircraft propulsion, energy approach, classification and area of application of various propulsion systems
- Implementation of propeller propulsion in an open jet, single and multi-flow turboreactor propulsion and statoreactor propulsion
- Issues linked to aircraft fuels ; combustion techniques and environmental issues.

Content and teaching methods
The course covers the following topics :
- Dynamics and energetics of propulsion systems
- Classification and areas of application of thrusters
Functional analysis of propulsion techniques :
- Propeller in an open jet: aeraulic properties, limitations
- Single- and multi- flow turbo reactors: organic and energy analysis of intake systems for sub- and supersonic flight
- Ejection systems: nozzles and postcombustion
- High speed propulsion and statoreactors
Use of fuels :
- Combustion properties and combustion mode analysis
- Combustion chamber technology and emission control
The course is complemented by demonstrations in scale models in a low-speed wind tunnel. Personal work takes the form of a study of performance modeling. Written reports on the studies form the basis for assessment.
