This course deals with the chemical and physico-chemical principles underneath the main processing methods for ceramics, together with some special topics on the processing of metals by powder metallurgy.

Main themes

Content and teaching methods
I. Introduction
II. Powder-based processing methods
1. Synthesis of ceramic and metallic powders by physical and chemical methods
2. Characterisation of a powder (size, shape, specific surface area, rheology)
3. Preparation of the semi-product : role of additives for the shaping and the preparation, principles of colloid chemistry applied to slurries, rheology of suspensions.
4. Methods of forming and stages of the predensification (drying, surface treatments,)
5. Densification by natural sintering, sintering under pressure of reactive sintering (SiC, Si3N4)
6. Alternative densification methods (pyrolysis, gaz-metal reaction,)
7. Finition, coatings.
III. Method of processing of ceramics by the liquid route
1. Casting
2. Growth of single crystals and fibres.
IV. Criteria and quality of the process
1. Quality testing
2. Influence of porosity on properties
3. Weibell criterion.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
TP : Laboratory of ceramic processing
Prerequisite : MAPR2473 : Metallurgical physical-chemistry.

Other credits in programs
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Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil en science des matériaux
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Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil en science des matériaux
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